Reflective Writing Nº1.

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Reflective writing Nº1: The school

The school’s environment is very relaxed; students behave like they were in their own
home and treat the teachers, their classmates and even me in a familiar way. I think the
environment affect students’ learning process in a good way, because they don’t have to
worry about superficial things like having their uniform in perfect conditions, or having
their hair in a way described by a list of rules, that way the can focus on the important
things like the values and knowledge that they are supposed to learn. Students can express
their ideas freely so I think that makes them work and learn better because they can be
honest with their teachers and tell them what they like or dislike about the activities or the
teaching methodology, that way the teachers have the opportunity of knowing the things or
activities that work better or worse with one class or another. This automatic feedback
makes the learning process more effective and accurate because is modified according to
the student’s needs and likes, and also makes teachers’ work easier and better. Because of
this freedom of thought and speech the students become people with their own points of
view instead of just fallowing the herd and repeating everything that their teachers say and
think, which is something that, in my opinion, is not common among schools in this
country. The students’ “critical and dynamic view of the world, strives to unveil reality,
unmask its mythicization, and achieve a full realization of the human task: the permanent
transformation of reality in favor of the liberation of the people.”1(Freire 102). To sum up,
the school, through dialogue, gives the students the opportunity of becoming sensible
people and not just empty bowls to be filled up with information. Like Paulo Freire says “It
is not our role to speak to the people about our own view of the world, nor to attempt to
impose that view of them, but rather to dialogue with the people about their view and
ours.”2 (96).

Elvira Saa Espinoza

II año, pedagogía en Inglés.

P. Freire, “Pedagogy of the oppressed”, (Continuum, New York, 2000), p. 102.
Ibid, p. 96.

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