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Proceedings of the 20th Meeting of the Academic Council of VIT held on 26.3.



T L 3 0 P 2 C 4

Version 1.1 Aim and Objectives

To give detailed concepts of the hardware features of Intel 8051 (MCS 51 Family) and introduction to 32 bit microcontroller based on ARM core. To provide essential knowledge on various operating modes of I/O ports Timers/Counters, UART, associated control registers and the various types of interrupts, various interfacing techniques.

Learning Outcomes
Ability to choose and apply 8 bit and 32 bit controller for an embedded solution. Ability to interface microcontrollers through external circuit interface to a variety of sensors and actuators. Once a learner goes through this course he will be equipped to migrate to any processor or controller in the industry with minimum transition time.

CPU in computing systems (Laptop, Desktop, Server and Hidden Systems). CPU Choice Performance Metrics. Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers (4)

MCS-51 introduction:
Intel MCS-51 family features 8051 -organization and architecture (6)

Programming with 8051:

8051 instruction set, addressing modes, conditional instructions, I/O Programming, (12) Arithmetic logic instructions, single bit instructions, interrupt handling, programming counters, timers and Stack.

Evolution of CPU architecture

Program execution time Instruction execution time Clock speed. Improving program execution time through instruction level parallelism CISC/RISC/VLIW architecture. (6)


Proceedings of the 20th Meeting of the Academic Council of VIT held on 26.3.2010

MCS51 and external Interfaces : User interface keyboard , LCD, LED Real world interface - ADC, DAC, SENSORS Communication interface .


ARM processor core based microcontrollers Need for RISC Processor-ARM processor fundamentals, Thumb instructions, exceptions ARM core based controller. (10)

Text Books:
1) Mohammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems (Using assembly and C) Pearson education/ Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2007.

Reference books:
1) Tabak Daniel, Hintz Kenneth j., Microcontrollers: Architecture implementation and Programming, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007 2) Andrew N.Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, ARM Developers Guide. 3) Data sheets of ARM Controllers ATMEL926, LPC2106 4) Douglas V. Hall, Microprocessors and interfacing: programming and hardware, Tata McGraw Hill, 2editon, 2007. Mode of evaluation: CAT- I & II, Technical Quiz, Assignments/ Mini projects, Term End Examination
Lab Experiments: Programming 8051 Micro controller using ASM and C, and implementation in flash 8051 microcontroller. 1. Programming with Arithmetic logic instructions 2. Program using constructs(Sorting an array) 3. Programming Interrupt 4. Delay generation using Timer 5. Pulse Width Modulation. 6. Implementation of standard UART communication.(using hyper terminal) 7. Interfacing LEDs 8. Interfacing LCD Display. 9. Interfacing with Keypad 10. Interfacing with stepper motor. Programming ARM Micro controller using ASM and C using simulator. 11.Programming with Arithmetic logic instructions 12.Special instruction set in ARM. 13.GPIO programming in ARM microcontroller. 14.Interrupts in ARM processor.


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