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Industrial Training @ CMC Limited (A TCS Subsidiary) Detailed Contents

J2EE Introduction of J2EE framework Basics of web Diffrence between static and dynamic website HTML/XHTML CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) Templates and Website hosting Javascript Servlets JSP(Java Server Pages) Ajax Hibernate Struts Framework 2.0 Web Service , XML programming JSF / Spring Framework Sending mail Design Pattern Graphics in J2EE Jquery IDE : Netbeans / Eclipse Backend : MySQL / Ms Sql Server / Oracle Servers : Apache Tomcat / Glassfish (Sunjava Application Server)

CMC Limited (A Tata Enterprise) 305-308,3rd Floor, Meridian View Plaza, Alpha2 Commercial Belt, Greater Noida Ph.: 0120-4572223, (M): 7838040081 E-Mail :

Contents for Java & Advanced Java
Module 1 : Core Java

Oops & Java Java features & Tools Jikes and other compiler Programming Constructs
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Data types and operators Conditional Statements Looping Array

Class and Object

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Constructor, Method Overloading, Reference this, Access Modifiers Inner Classes

Inheritance Interface Package and scope rules Exception Handling

Java.lang & java.util package Collection, Multithreading, I/O streams, Applet

Module 2 : Advanced Java

AWT & Layout Manager Swing Event Handling JDBC Networking RMI NetBeans Servlets Intro 2 WEEKs PROJECT WORK ON Java TECHNOLOGIES

CMC Limited (A Tata Enterprise) 305-308,3rd Floor, Meridian View Plaza, Alpha-2 Commercial Belt, Greater Noida Ph.: 0120-4572223, (M): 7838040081 E-Mail :

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