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A review of the Prophets Conduct in Battles (Ghazwat)

The Prophets rules in War

1. 1st priority should be to spread Islam then Treaty of Peace otherwise war! 2. Non Combatants (civilians) cannot be attacked! 3. Private property cannot be harmed nor confiscated 4. Torture of Captives Not allowed 5. Mutilation of dead bodies not allowed

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1. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) was the greatest military leader, most righteous, the most insightful 2. He showed superior genius, strictness, bravery, Excellent arrangements 3. Stood fast facing the enemy 4. He made war to defend the faith not to be offensive. 5. He was able to impose security, institute peace

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6. Previously wars were for robbing, killing, plundering, tyranny, oppressing the weak, rape , cruelty. 7. Jihad seeks to free man from oppression, tyranny and aggression & spreading security, safety mercy and compassion as well as observing the rights of the conquered people

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8. Issued honourable strict rules about war 9. forbade torturing, killing children and women, robbery, destroying property, hurting non-combatants 10.Treatment of Captives (examples) 11.Treatment of Conquered People (examples)

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