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Research Methods in the Social Sciences

The Scientific Method

What is the scientific method?

Empirical: information acquired by means of observation or experimentation. Steps:
Ask a question Identify variables Develop a hypothesis Find evidence (or find no evidence) Make generalizations Formulate theories

Social Science and Critical Thinking

Understand and evaluate information. Make evidence-based decisions as a socially engaged individual.
Electing political representatives Consumer decision making Policy development and political action (e.g. protesting) Interpersonal relationships Social commentary free speech

Reading through the news

Identify one (or more )key issue(s) shaping the upcoming September 4th Quebec Election. In a sentence or two (your own words), identify the issue(s). Find a selection of newsprint stories about the event. (In English or French). List the names of the newspapers. Do the same for TV broadcasts. List the networks. Determine similarities and differences across the reports. How might you explain the differences? Can you find more information on your sources (i.e. the individual journalist, the newspaper publisher, the TV broadcaster). What questions are you left with?

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