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We are reaching the consummation point of two mutations at the end of an evolutionary cycle.

One based on an ever more profound downgrading of nature (radiating the earth, making the animals extinct, Monsanto literally turning food into synthetic fuel...) and turning earth heavy metal Mars-like barren... via full cutting off of the feminine... out of which will emerge a transhuman human-machine hybrid. No matter how they target nature, the other transformation is of the human caterpillar into the real buttery. Nothing will stop earth from returning to her star form. Our true nature and Self is a star not a barren ironplanet.
The transformation of the caterpillar into the buttery is a symbol of both sides... The lower imitates/impersonates the higher... That's a monarch buttery...
Both toward the higher and the lower this mutation takes place. therefore the symbol is applicable at both ends of evolution or the 2 time lines. The lower goes into a transformation into a machine hybrid. The higher toward the true Self or the consummation of the being we were supposed to become according to true purpose. so u nd the monarchs at both ends. there are 2 transformations occurring.
The transformation into machine means Self and free will is lost and we are hooked up to a mainframe externally. these babies are gestated in mechanical pods fully hooked up to an articial intelligence mainframe.
The rebirth here is important because its into another space time. The lower one into a kind of techno singularity like in Total Recall, Oblivion or Elysium. The upper end of the stairway toward a true state of earth where earth is restored to edenic conditions.

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