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Honor Policy: SHS World Languages 2013-2014 As a student in this class, I expect you to demonstrate the highest level

of academic integrity. According to the Summit's policy, plagiarism is defined as the representation of the ideas or work of another person as your own. Obviously if you are using the work, images, and/or ideas of another person to support your own argument, these sources must be acknowledged with a citation if you paraphrase and quotation marks for a direct quote. Here are some additional guidelines so that you are clear on my expectations. The following are considered acts of plagiarism or academic dishonesty:

Using an electronic translator to write a passage; any electronic translations beyond a 3-word phrase should be acknowledged as not your own work. Representing that work you have copied from another student (including workbook pages or ANY other kind of assignment) as work you yourself have completed. If you believe it is okay with me that you do work together please make that clear WHEN YOU TURN IT IN. Typically this kind of work will be done with 2 names on 1 paper rather than on separate papers. Creating a timeline of historical events, musical critique or other commentary by taking segments from an electronic site such as Wikipedia.

Other instances of academic dishonesty, those that can be called collusion, include allowing another student to copy and submit your work for a grade or credit. Be clear and careful when sharing work with classmates. You are responsible for how s/he uses this work, even if it was not your intent that s/he submit the work for a grade. Summit is a school of hard workers and creative scholars; I value your integrity and respect your ideas, and so do your peers. I understand that if I am guilty of cheating, in whatever form, I will receive a zero for that assignment. Additionally, my parents will be informed, and I will be subject to disciplinary action per Summit High School policy. Student Signature______________________________________________ Date________________

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