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Harris 1 Julia Harris Mrs.

Emerick English 10 H September 7, 2013 Language: Gods Gift to Man Language is the system for the expression of thoughts, feelings, etcetera, by the use of spoken sounds or conventional symbols (Dictionary). As Christians we all believe the fact that God at the tower of babel created all language. John 1:1 says In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Not everybody believes that language is from God. Those people are evolutionists. Language is a big part of our brain. How do we process it? How should we use it? These are all questions that can be answered by the science of creation. The Lord said, If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. (Genesis). (Corballis)This was recorded in Genesis 11:6. During this time was when the languages of the people were varied and scattered. The people chose to build a tower to Heaven. This angered God, so He changed the language of all the people so they could not communicate with each other. Therefore the tower of Babel was not complete. The people had to find others who could speak their language. That was the start of the many different languages we hear today. Us as Christians believe that language is from God. Evolutionists believe that we came from apes, as well as our capability to communicate with others. Michael Corballis, an evolutionist, said this: My own view is that language developed much

Harris 2 more gradually, starting with the gestures of apes, then gathering momentum as the bipedal hominids evolved. The appearance of the larger-brained genus Homo some two million years ago may have signaled the emergence and later development of syntax, with vocalizations providing a mounting refrain. What may have distinguished Homo sapiens was the final switch from a mixture of gestural and vocal communication to an autonomous vocal language, embellished by gesture but not dependent on it. (Corballis) This means that apes gradually moved from signals, to grunts, to words. There has been no proof of this, meaning it is just a theory. The much simpler way to explain language is the Bible. The Bible has a solid explanation for how language got started. Adam and Eve were able to speak from the minute they were created. It is sad that there are people in this world who do not understand that language is from God. They will learn one day that it is. Therefore, God is the origin of all language. How does the brain process language exactly? For about one hundred and fifty years, scientists have been studying how the brain processes language. There are two places that are designated to processing language in your brain, the parietal lobe that is also known as wernicke area and the frontal lobe, which is also known as the broca area (Discovery)Wernickes area controls to ability to hear sounds, without this you could not understand language. Brocas area lets you make the sounds of a word. The brain is a very complex matter. Language is a gift from God. We should use it correctly. We have the ability to speak so we can spread the word of God and be kind to one another. We should not use our voice to belittle others. To many people are bullied because of threats. If we all

Harris 3 could use our voices to compliment each other and praise God we would be using language the right way. Sadly, that is not the case. In the end we learn that language is from God and not from anybody else. The Bible only proves language; nobody else has a rational explanation. When somebody tells you that language is not from God you should not believe him or her without proof, which there is none of. Our brain is so complex that we are able to comprehend our dialect and sometimes others. We should learn other languages to spread the Word of God.

Harris 4 Works Cited Michael Corballis. True Origins. N.d. 7 September 2013 Bible Gateway. n.d. 7 September 2013 Collins English Dictionary. n.d. 7 September 2013 Curiosity Discovery (Discovery Channel). n.d. 7 September 7 2013

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