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Kristina Valerio

english101 (1141) Consumer/Consumption culture: Is it good for the American society?

1. Definition of a consumption culture. (p87, SOL) a. What is its difference between consumer and producing culture? b. Why is America considered one? i. Sign#1: few items are labeled as made in USA ii. Sign#2: driving force of the economy is purchase power 1. Evidence #1: Refer to Gallup data (US consumer spending statistics) 2. Evidence #2: Shopping trend has evolved into an exact science (The Science of Shopping, p100, SOL) a. Sellers are being manipulated to conform to the want of consumers. c. How has this culture affected our personalities and tastes as a society? 2. Pros and cons of primarily being a consumer culture? a. ECONOMY! i. Creation of jobs ii. Strengthening of foreign relations, especially to countries with producing culture b. Rebuttal with the same thing - Economy: Purchase power is the driving force, at the same time, downfall. i. Example: The Auto Industry in 2010. c. Present the idea that consumer culture is NOT good to American society just because of this. 3. Argument #1: Massive consumer debt. a. Insert data. b. Pinpoint trend every Black Friday. 4. Argument #2: Diminishes the meaning of the product. a. A lot of markets that retailers have to cater to. i. The need for INNOVATION just to keep up with the changing landscape fo consumer statistics b. Creates a fad and shortens satisfaction of what we have (The More Factor, p91, SOL) i. Example: The evolution of the Iphone 5. Argument #3: Supplants meaningful values. a. Technology replaces face time and interaction with people i. Example: Farmers market vs. grocery store vs. Online shopping b. Shopping therapy: using purchase as gauge of stress relief and happiness

6. Conclusion. a. Go back to the very essence of society. b. It is important for a nation to have a booming economy to be recognized as the best, but it is more essential to look at the society that composed that nation to stage an example.

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