Poor Spells: Warding

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Poor Spells


Teleport is a great spell for solotop champions. It's just not appropriate for you. What are Dazzle? Not a great idea.

you planning to do? Pop up behind an enemy for a surprise


Cleanse isn't a great choice on

Taric as he's a support and is probably not going to be

focused. And if you do get focused, then good.


Smite is for junglers and you're not one of them


Barrier is for carries that need protection from burst damage. If you get focused, good. Locket of the Iron Solari.

Want shields? Try


Revive is just completely useless. Choose this if you want to be reported.

During the laning phase it's always important to ward your lane appropriately to prevent enemy ganks. This iseven more important against early gankers such as Lee Sin or Trundle.

The placement of your wards is also quite important. Some people place their wards in the

river bush, others further up more towards blue entrance /

Dragon . Your preference.

As seen here ward the bush closest to the enemy tower for improved brush control, especially against kill lane supports who can punish you easily, such as Blitzcrank, Zyra, Leona or Nautilus. This also applies to strong pokers, Sona.


Nidalee and

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