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Of the Sea

by Kate Hill Lying on a silver-flecked rock, she stretches. Moonlight glints off her reddish blond hair. An ash-colored gown, drenched with sea spray, clings to her full breasts, rounded hips, and belly that waits to cushion a lover's head. Her eyes slip shut as she rolls onto her stomach. Slim fingers grip the water-slicked rock and her tongue licks the rough, salty surface. She shivers, tingling with passion. Does anyone else know the flavor of the sea or is she the only one who savors the essence of Neptune's lust? A gentle hand brushes her hair from her nape and sweeps down her spine, lingering over her lush bottom. Glancing over her shoulder, she draws a sharp breath of surprise and delight. A man's silvery face with sharp cheekbones and full lips forms in the mist. A strand of seaweed curls through his wavy brown hair. Eyes as dark and deep as the ocean gaze into hers, the lashes slick with moisture. Beads of water dance across his chest, glistening in the curling hair dusting the hard muscle. He swallows, a sensual movement of his throat. I also taste the ocean, he says without spoken words. Now let me taste you. His lips part, revealing beautiful teeth, the incisors sharp. She smiles, knowing she has finally found one of her kind. It has been so long since she has seen a face like hers, touched a body made for the sea. I want you, she tells him. I've searched. Swimming forever. I need you. Fill me Seaman. Fill me with your love, with your-The muscles of his powerful arms bulge as he hoists himself onto the rock beside her. Grasping the hem of her dress, he raises it to her waist. He kneels between her legs and clasps her buttocks, lowering his head toward her tingling clit. He laps her, teases her with the tip of his tongue until her body tightens and trembles. She pants and thrashes while he licks her to the edge of perfection. She moans when his mouth leaves her, but her

protests become cries of rapture mingling with the wind. His cock, so hard and thick, fills her. He's more perfect than any dream. Big. Powerful. He takes her with all the passion of the sea. Their bodies heat, defying the coldness of the waves. Howling, panting, their bodies rippling with desire, they explode. Pulsations roll through them. Moonlight bathes them. Gulls soothe them on their wedding night. Sea people mate for life. The End

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