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5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Vol. 2 ryō shū sho

When I was shopping and waiting in line at the cashier, I receive, dominion income, collect write, book, document
No, but you can be "ue-sama" too! In the past, the word "ue-
heard the clerk asking the customers "onamae wa?" (What's
sama" was used to address members of the upper classes, such
the name ? or Who should it be addressed to ?)
as Shōgun (samurai general). "ue-sama" is now in use only when 横 領

I expected them to give their own names, but instead they misappropriation,
Design : Masako Ban

issuing official receipts, replacing the actual name/com-pany name. おう りょう

answered "ue-sama." Since then, I've realized the same embezzlement
It is said that this form of address will not disgrace the recipient, no ō ryō
conversation is carried at other stores too, when customers usurpation receive
matter who he/she is. So, if you need an official receipt and the
are asking for official receipts. Do Japanese people have My business colleague embezzled company
clerk asks you "onamae wa? " you could answer "ue-sama."
Mr. Pole
another name beside their own ? property (money).
同僚 は 会社 の 金 を 横領をしました。
dōryō wa kaisha no kane o ōryō o shimashita

Official Receipt..........ryōshūsho a shop

年 収
A receipt serves as a legal document. In Japanese companies, the accounting
department often requires a “ryōshūsho” for reimbursement. A “ryōshūsho” does
Mr. Pole : Please give me an official receipt.
official receipt  おねがいします。 収 ねん
annual income
not itemize the details. (If you do not want your secretary or the accounting Because of the recession, my annual income
department to know exactly how many drinks you had, you could give them the clerk : What's the name? Who should it be addressed to? dropped drastically.
“ryōshūsho” instead of the restaurant bill.) There are some places, however, which お名前 は。 or お宛名 は。
onamae wa ?  oatena wa ? 不景気 で 年収 は 大幅 に 減りました。
refuse to write “ue-sama” (e.g., department stores). In that case, have your
fukēki de nenshū wa ōhaba ni herimashita
name/company name ready. Mr. Pole : It's "company name." Write it to "name replacement."
company name  です。 or
name replacement で。 収 賄
name / company name polite form of date (Heisei era ... started in 1989) desu de しゅう わい graft, bribe
"san" (Mr./Ms.) (See "large to small") (by means of) shū wai
clerk : How shall I fill out the items section? collect graft
但書き は。 That person was arrested for bribery.
領 収 書 平成 11 年
Hēsē nen
26 日
nichi tadashigaki wa?
あの人 は 収賄 で 捕まりました。
上   様 receipt Mr. Pole : ....................................... 
(ryōshūsho) ano hito wa shūwai de tsukamarimashita
(ue) (sama) amount
Even if you do not specify the items you purchased, the clerk will

¥ 21,000 normally fill out the section on the receipt as below. 請 求 書

items e.g.,
e.g., oshokuji-dai.....meal expenses, oshina-dai.....merchandise expenses, せい きゅう しょ bill, invoice
amount without expenses
consumption tax breakdown 但 sē kyū sho
Answers request demand document
(zēnuki kingaku) (uchiwake) 1 領 収 書 上様
上記の金額を領収いたしました 2 3
ryōshūsho ue-sama At the end of the month, I will pay the bill.
The amount above has been received.
内訳 (jōki no kingaku o ryōshūitashimashita) 月末 に 請求書 の 支払い を します。
収入 税抜金額 ¥20,000 日 本 株式会社 getsumatsu ni sēkyūsho no shiharai o shimasu
印紙 消費税額(5%) ¥1,000 東京都港区麻布 1-2-3
電話 03-4567-8910 large to small rule 書 類
In other words, the "large" idea is expressed first しょ るい
revenue stamp consumption tax name, address and telephone seal with smaller ideas following. Remember, this rule sho rui
(shūnyūinshi) (shōhizēgaku) number of issuing party (inkan) applies to many situations in Japanese. document sort
for amounts over¥30,000 e.g., I left the document on a train.
full name: Oda Masanori
family name → given name 書類 を 電車 に 置き 忘れました。

Quiz 佐藤 / 鈴木 / 田中
One of the three names on left is the most (last) (first) shorui o densha ni oki-wasuremashita
common last name in Japan.
Now, which one is it ?
where Nihon Kabushiki gaisha
you work: company name →
Oda Masanori
family name → given name 説 明 書 written explanation,
せつ めい しょ
The answer is "Suzuki." This last name is more common in east Japan, especially in Shizuoka address: instruction
Tokyo to Minato ku Azabu 1-2-3 River Apt. Oda Masanori setsu mē sho
Prefecture (approximately one out of every 65 people). Believe it or not, in Hamamatsu,
prefecture→ area in pref.→ town→ house # → person's name explanation clear document
Shizuoka Prefecture, approximately one out of every 20 is Suzuki-san! So if you are ever in (ward, city)
Hamamatsu and shout the name at a train station, at least a few Suzuki-san will turn around I learned it by reading the instructions.
and look at you. date:  sen kyūhyaku kyūjū kyū nen shi gatsu nijū roku nichi getsuyōbi
year → month → date → day of the week 説明書 を 見ながら 覚えました。
Top 3 most common last names : 1. 鈴木 (Suzuki) 2.佐藤 (Satō) 3. 田中 (Tanaka) (year 1999) (April) (26th) (Monday) setsumēsho o minagara oboemashita

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

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