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Place: Home of Tristan and James. The other places mentioned are Peter Hill Primary where the play was staged, Chesterlea Grange where Tristan, James and their mother visited to enroll Tristan and Highfields Secondary School where James will continue with his secondary education.

(2) PLOT
Exposition The main characters, Tristan, James and Mum, are introduced. We also learn more about the twins and the upcoming school play. Rising Action Both Tristan and James have mixed feelings about going to their new schools. They are worried about being separated and whether they can adapt to their new schools. Climax The climax occurs the day after the school play. Tristan and James react very differently to the school play. They both realise how much they depend on each other and how difficult it would be to adapt to their new schools. Tristan is not sure whether to follow James to Highfields or to go to Chesterlea Grange on his own.

The twins live with their mother in a comfortable home which is disabledfriendly. The twins found their home a relaxing place to pursue their own interests with the love, support and encouragement of their mother. Peter Hill Primary is where the twins had their primary level education. It must be somewhere near the home of the twins. Chesterlea Grange is a fully residential school for special children. It is fully equipped with facilities for the physically challenged to acquire knowledge and survival skills. Here, the students play sports, act in plays as well as to spend their time in the indoor video and games room. The environment is refreshingly clean, healthy and cheerful to promote the well-being of its residents. It is unlikely to be near the twin's home. Highfields is a normal day school for students to pursue secondary education.

Falling Action At first, Tristan tells his mother that he does not want to go to Chesterlea Grange. Then, James talks to him and Tristan changes his mind. Resolution This is the ending where the twins realise that they have made the right decision. They are both happy in their new schools.

Time: Present day.

Main Characters

James James has no physical disability. He is good in sports and plays football. James hates drama and does not like Jessica Parker. He lives in fear of her and her 'stupid laugh'. James is shyer and less confidence than Tristan. He is also more nervous and very worried about going to new school without Tristan. This is mainly because he is very dependent on Tristan.

Tristan Tristan is the twin who has a physical disability. He moves around in a wheelchair and cannot walk or move his arms easily. He is also unable to dress himself or play football. Tristan is good in Maths and computers. He is also good in drama and acts very well as Tom Sawyer in the year-end school play. Although Tristan cannot play games, he is good at swimming. Even though Tristan is disabled, he is emotionally stronger and more confident than James. However, Tristan is indecisive and changes his mind three times about going to his new school. He is also concerned about how James will manage without him and ask Kiara Jones to be James' 'special friend' and help him get used to his new school.

Mum Mum is a loving, caring mother who supports her sons and wants the best for them. She is very concerned about her sons and does not get upset even when Tristan changes his mind a couple of times about going to his new school. Mum sees the good in both her sons and is extremely proud of them. She is a very determined mother and always has a positive attitude. Consequently, she does not like the negative word 'disability'.

Minor Characters The teachers Mr Sewell He is the twin's English and drama teacher. Tristan likes him very much. Mrs Robert She is Tristan's favourite teacher in Peter Hill Primary. She teaches Maths. 1.


The relationship between brothers

Being twins, the two brothers are extremely close to each other. They depend on each other a lot and they fear being separated. 2. The pain of separation

Schoolmates Kiara Jones Kiara plays football and Tristan arranges for her to be James' 'special friend' at Highfields to help him adapt to his new school. Both James and Tristan like her very much.

The twins experience the pain of separation when they have to go to different schools. 3. Fear of change

The twins fear change as they are very comfortable as they are presently. They are worried as they know their lives will be very different when they go to another school, especially if they go to different schools. 4. Mother's love

Jessica Parker She is with the twins at Peter Hill Primary. James does not like her and hates her 'stupid laugh'. However, Tristan fells that she only laughs at James because she wants him to notice her.

The mother's love for her children is unlimited. She is proud and supportive of both her sons. She understands their characters well and worries about them constantly. She refuses to accept that Tristan has disabilities and her attitudes helps Tristan carry on with life in a positive manner. 5. Adapting to new environments

The twins learn that they cannot fight change and they have to adapt to their new environments. In the end, they find that they need not have worried as they adapt to their new school quickly and are extremely happy there.


We should believe in ourselves and be confident.
(E.g. Although Tristan is disable, he does not feel shy and he have a high self-esteem) We must treat people with respect and should not look down on people. (E.g. James and all of Tristan's friend accepted him the way he are and treat him nicely)

(6) LITERARY DEVICES 1. Comparison (Comparing two or more people or things) Hes far smarter than me. (Page 19) He can work out Maths problems quicker than I can eat a chocolate bar. (Page 19) 2. Simile (Comparison that use as or like I feel like a tyre that has burst (Page 25) as freely as a freshly oiled cog, etc. (Page 24) 3. Imagery (Use of clear descriptions to create a word picture or image) .. write with a pen instead of a computer (Page 16) Were pretty much stuck together(Page 19) 5. Irony (The use of language is opposite of the meaning) I know I rely on Tristan but he relies on me too. How will he cope at his new school without me? (Page 27) I cant let them spend the rest of the summer holidays looking as if theyve won the lottery, then lost the ticket down a drain! (Page 29) 6. Personification (Gives human qualities to things) I wish that time could have stopped still (Page 25) 7. Alliteration (Repetition of consonant sounds) his mind flows as freely as a freshly oiled cog (Page 24) Flipping Fantastic! (Page 39)

Family members should support and help each other.

(E.g. James always help Tristan in his everyday life. he helps Tristan to push his wheelchair)

Parents should be understanding, patient and caring can build their childs confidence and self-esteem.
(E.g. The mother loves Tristan and James so much and treat them equally although they are different)

8. Foreshadow (Warning or something that happens in the story/play that gives a hint on what will happen next) Hell miss me. I know he will. (Page 18)

9. Repetition (A word that is repeated) if I dont want to, and believe me I dont want to! (Page 21) 10. Metaphor (Compares a person or thing to something else) The door has finally closed on Peter Hill Primary. (Page 28) James is such a pest! (Page 35)

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