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- Szechuan Preser... ...

19-Apr-12 8:09 PM

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- Szechuan Preser... ...


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19-Apr-12 8:09 PM

4 , 100g, 80g, 45 g, 45g,
2. 15 3
5. . 5
6. .
7. 20
8. 10
Materials 4 eggs, cake flour 100g, icing Sugar 80g, milk 45 g, corn oil 45g, pandan flavor a little bit
1. Separate egg yoke and egg white.
2. Beat the egg white until firm. In between , slowly add in sugar.
3. Do the same for egg yoke. Once done, then only add in milk and corn oil, then mix them well together.
Gently sift the cake flour into it. Mix until well combined. . Then add in pandan flavor or vanila flavor.
4 Slowly pour into the egg white (Step 2)
5. Let the rice cooker get heat by 5 mins. You can buttered a bit on the bottom of the rice-cooker and
then put a baked cake oily paper at the bottom.
6 Pour in the mixtured into rice cooker .(If u prefer Chocolate taste, just add cocoa powder mixing.)
7 Press fast cook. Two minutes later, the light will jump to keep warm. Use a wet towel to cover on top
rice cooker and keep warm for another 20 minutes.
8. Try to use a chopsticks to test is the cake is baked. (Refer to the photo above). If the chopstick dont
have any unbaked floor stick on it means the cake is ready. Last, let the cake inside the rice cooker for
another 10 mins.
9. When it's done, leave it cool. Upside turn the pot to leave the cake bottom-up a big plate. Enjoy!!

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