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FS6On Becoming A Teacher


Nameof FS Student: _____________________________________________________________

Course:_________________________________Year and section: ________________________
Resource________________________________ Signature:_____________________________
Cooperating School:_____________________________________________________________
Your Target
At the end of this episode, you will gain competence in identify possible linkages
between the school and the community, particularly those will help attain curricular goals.

Your Map
The teacher never lives in isolation. For you to be an effective teacher in the future it is
vital to forge genuine win-win relationship between the and the community.
To reach your target, do the following tasks:
Step 1. Tour the community around your cooperating school.

Step 2. Gather information about the issues/concerns/problems of the community that affect
the school of where the teacher and students can help. Also, gather information about the
resources of community.

Step 3. Analyze the possible linkages that the school and the community can have.

Step 4. Reflect on the vital role of the teacher as a member of the community.


Name of the School Observed: __________________________________________________ __

School Address: ________________________________________________________________
Date of Visit: __________________________________________________________________
Locality of the School : __________________________________________________________

Issues/Concerns/Problems of the Community:


Community Resources :

Community Assistance/Service Given by the school


Your Reflections

1. How did you feel while you were going around the community? What things did you
learn that you might have taken for granted before?
2. As a future teacher,wh at do you think will be your role in the community?
3. How will you encourage more community participation among teachers and students?

Your Analysis

1. Suggest new ideas by which the school can creatively use the resources of the community.
2. How can the school address the issues/concerns and the problems of the community?
3. What possible linkages can the community and the school have?

An Observation Guide for a Community Tour

(Based on the guide on p. 85 of The Teaching Profession, Bilbao,, 2006)

1. Schools Locality. Describe the schools location. Describe the neigboring areas, and the
community. What historica landmarks do you see?Are thre monuments?Read this
monument markers.This may give you an idea about the history of the place.what
government institutions are found there?What non-government organizations are
present?What are the thrusts of this NGOs?
2. Issues/concerns/Problems.Identify the issues/concerns/problems of the community.How
is the traffic condition?Pollution?How about the peace and order situation?Juvinile
Deliquency?Security of children?Political climate?Look into rvision of basic needs,like
3. Resources of the community.Locate the resources of the community,that the teachers
and students can utilize,like parks,museums,library,concert halls,movie
house,shops,factories,industries,sports and recreational centers,health centers,etc.What
instructional materials can be obtained from the community.
4. Community Assistance/Service from the School.How does the school serve the
community?Do the school personnel serve as resource person?How does the schhol
participate in town celebrations?How does the school contribute to the value formation
of the community?What community projects is the shool involved in?

FS6On Becoming A Teacher


Nameof FS Student: _____________________________________________________________

Course:_________________________________Year and section: ________________________
Resource________________________________ Signature:_____________________________
Cooperating School:_____________________________________________________________

Your Target
At the end of this episode, you will gain insights and describe the characteristics of a
global teacher.
Your Map

The high speed advancement of technology has linked peoples of different nations ever
closer. We have all become part of the global village. An effective eteacher, therefore shoul also
be global.
To reach your target, do the following tasks:

Step 2. Analyze and synthesize their responses.

Step 3. Reflect on how you can become a global teacher.

Your Tools

Read the following carefully before you befing the interview.


Interview 3 or more teachers. The three teachers can be any of the following:
A cooperating teacher
A master teacher
A teacher who has experienced a teacher exchange program in another country.
A teacher who has studied in another country.
A teacher who has taught in another country.
A teacher awarded as Outdtanding Teacher of your School or City.

2. Ask them about what makes a global teacher. Specifically ask about the knowledge,
skills and values that teacher should have to be considered as global teacher.
3. Ask them about experiences and challengesthey met and how they managed the
4. Use the Global Teacher Matrix to present your interview data and your analysis and

The Global Teacher Matrix

Teacher 1

Teacher 2

Teacher 3



Other Shared

Your Analysis
From the responses of theteachers, what conclusions can you make about the knowledge that
a global teacher should have?
From the responses of the teachers, what conclusions can you make about the skills that a
global teacher should have?
From the responses of the teachers, what conclusions can you make about the values that a
global teachers should have?
Collect articles/reading about Global education the global teacher. Enrich your answer in 1-3
with these readings. Place the additional learnings/insights you geot from your readings.

Your Reflections

1. Write a song about your insights as to the knowledge, skills and valies that make up a
global teacher. Make it to the tune of Its a Small World or create your own tune too.

My Global Teacher Song

Title of my songs_________________________________________________________

2. Make your own game plan about how you can work towards becoming a global teacher.
Write on the Future Global Teacher Life-line things you will wirld on to become a global
teacher, starting NOW.
Now, I will.... 2 years from now i will..... 5 years from now, I will..... 10 years from now, I


3. Below is a clip art essay on what a global taecher is. Examine each part of the clip art
essay. Think of a title for it. What message does it convey to you? Write a reflection on

-by Melanie Oribiana and Maria Rita Lueas, printed in the Association for Childhood Education
International-philippines 35th anniversary Journal, 2006.

Its message:

My reflection:

FS6 The Teacher as A Proffessional

Episode 5

Name of FS tudent______________________________________________________________
Course _________________________________________year and section________________
Resource Teacher_________________________________Signature______________________
Cooperating School______________________________________________________________

Your target
At the end of this episode, you will demonstrate a deeper understanding of the rights,
duties and responsibilities of a professional teacher and their impact on you as a future taecher.

Your Map
Ignorance of the law, excuses no one. This is true for everyone. A true
professionalalways knows both his rights and duties. These are two equal sides of the coin.
For you to achieve your target, do the following tasks:
Step 1. Gather information about the policies and guidelines concerning teachers, implemented
by your cooperating school.
Step 2. Interview the principal/head teacher/your resource teacher about the implementation of
these policies and guidelines.
Step 3. Analyze the policies and guidelines in the light of values and pertinent laws
Step 4. Reflect on the impact of all these to your future life as a full-fledged professional

Your Tools

Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations/data gathered.

Read the following carefully before you begin to interview. Then fill out the matrix on the next
1. Find out about yhe policies and procedures concerning teachirs by reading the school or
teachers manual of your cooperating school.
2. As you read the manual, jot down notes and questions you might want to ask later about
these areas:
a. Rights
b. Duties/obligations
c. Economic and social benefits
d. Reward/incentive system
e. Disciplinary procedures
3. Interview Guide
a. Interview a teacher/head teacher/principal.
b. The purpose of the interview is for you to know about the actual implementation of
the policies and guidelines.
c. Use the questions you wrote down earlier for this interview.
d. You may first state a policy or guidelines (quoting from the manual), and then ask
how this is implemented. Request the interview to cite examples.
4. Focus on at least 2 policies/guidelines for each of the five areas in number 2.
5. Use the table/matrix that follow to document your observation/interview and to put your
analysis on the values and legal provisions exemplefied by the policies and guidelines.


Comments/sharing of Values shown


the interviewee

Rights of Teachers

Duties/obligations of

Economics and
Social Benefits



laws/provisions that
served as legal basis
of the

Your Analysis

What values are reflected by the policies and guidelines found in the school or teacher manual.
Put you answers in the matrix above. You may chooe to put some additional comments here.
2. cite the legal provisions/aws that are exemplified by each of the policies/guidelines that you
included in your matrix. To help you, focus on the provisions of the following:
a. Magna Carta or Public School teachers
b.Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
c. Manual of Regulations for Private School
d. Certain parts of the Labor code
e. Philippines Teachers professionalization Act 1994.

Write your additionalcomments here.


Your Reflections
1. How do your fell about the policies and guidelines concerning teachers? How will you
respond to them in the future?
2. What insights/realizations did you have bout the demands of being a professional
teacher? How will you meet these challenging demands in the future?
3. What are your values and strenghts that can help you become a trueprofessional.

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