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Unit of Inquiry Homework

Name: Ayush Kale

Roberto Solano Reasons why they went He went to america because he wanted to to America.. be a succseful person. Difficulties living in the He had difficulties at the bigining of missing US at the beginning.. his girlfriend, food,sunshine, everything. What they like living in the US.. about He could be a sucssesful person in US.

Endre Boros He went America because of employment. They tought everything was big.

Yuet Tong She came to US because of studying fine art. The problem for Yuet Tong is theyhad to use a car as transport.

He liked the best thing living in US is independence.

She liked living in US is the empty area.

Apart from the difficulties mentioned above, what could be the possible issues (give at least 3) that they encountered? Explain why such issues are existing.

Issues 1.

Why They also might have missed his family and village.


They also might have missed his contry.


They also might have missed his friends.


They wouldnt understand their language.

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