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Good morning

Pakistan telecommunication company ltd.

Presented to: Sir Abbass Presented by: Sidra Safdar Jafferi & Sadaf Safdar Jaffery

Objective of our presentation Brief introduction and historical background of PTCL Vision and mission SWOT analysis Competitors Motivation & its purpose Islamic and western view about motivation Our project and its result General theories of motivation Implication of motivational theories at PTCL Employee motivation at PTCL Motivation and gender at PTCL Self motivation Recommendations and suggestions Conclusion

Objective of our presentation.

To let all of us know about the implication & critical gaps between motivational theories and their practice in PTCL.

Brief introduction
Few years into a new century, the telecom sector of world finds itself at crossroads after changing itself almost beyond recognition over the last 25 years. Privatization and competition are the order of the day, with a majority of Countries having adopted these policies to advance their telecom sector. The results have been impressive; the industry has grown at unprecedented pace. There has been a phenomenal growth in Pakistan, especially in the cellular mobile communication and in the internet. So far PTCL is the sole land line service provider of Pakistan. PTCL is the giant of Pakistan telecommunication industry and enjoying the monopoly.

Historical background.

Pakistan Telecom Corporation 1990-91: ALIS: 850,000 Waiting list: 900,000 Expansion Program of 900,000 lines initiated (500,000 lines by Private Sector Participation 400,000 lines PTC/GOP own resources).-51947: Posts &Telegraph Dept. established 1962: Pakistan Telegraph &Telephone Dep't. 1969 : About 5 % of PTC assets transferred to PTA, FAB & NTC. 1996 : PTCL Formed listed on all Stock Exchanges of Pakistan 1998 ; Mobile & Internet subsidiaries established 2000: Telecom Policy Finalized 2003 : Telecom Deregulation Policy Announced 2005 : 26 % Shares by Etisalat UAE through open bidding.

It is our vision to be the leading ICT service provider in the region by achieving customers satisfaction and maximizing shareholders value.

Our mission is to achieve our vision by having: 1) Professionalism, motivation and quality; 2) Cost effective and quality conscious environment; 3) Most optimum technology; 4) Quality and time conscious customer service; sustained growth in earnings and profitability.


PTCL enjoys monopoly State Of The Art International Gateway Exchanges & Satellite Earth Stations. PTCL have largest net work with its state of art technology and new digital exchanges, International Submarine Cables, High Capacity National Fiber Optic Backbone Ring, 36 Transit Exchanges with easy Facility of Expansion, About 99%Digitization of Country Network, Strong Platforms & Exchanges for Value added Services, Large Earnings As described earlier that PTCL with more than 4 million users having greeted revenues ,this is another strength of the company. Government support As you know PTCL is government organization so it has great support and it is strength for PTCL.


=> Weakness > Image Government organization. => Opportunity > Growth in telecommunication industry, =>Threat > Strong competitors.

There is no major competitor of PTCL in landline but, with the growth of Telecommunication industry of Pakistan competition is increasing specially in mobile phone sector. In total there are more then 800 million subscribers of mobile phone. There are 03 big players in mobile phone industry & these are the competitors of PTCL: > MobiIink > Warid > Ufone

is derived from Latin word movere, to move. Something (as a need or desire) that causes a person to act, while motivate is defined as, the object influencing a choice or prompting an action.

Purpose of motivation
Motivation is necessary to accomplish tasks, to produce quality goods, And for other related purposes.

Styles of motivation
Islam and motivation. Western view about motivation.

Our project and its result..

What are the theories which are being implemented at PTCL?
All these theories are implemented in PTCL except the theory of hierarchy of needs.

Maslows Hierarchy of needs: Alderfers ERG Theory: Theory X: Theory Y: .Two Factor Theory: McClellands Theory of needs: Cognitive evaluation theory: Goal setting theory: Self Efficacy: Equity Theory: Expectancy theory:

Now we will be explaining to you all what we have gained through our research and experience at PTCL, that will support the result we mentioned earlier..

Main focus : Motivational theories. Theories and practice!!!

General theories of motivation... An Overview & our findings....

1.Maslows Hierarchy of needs: A hierarchy of needs, phsyiological, safety, social, esteem and self actualization.In which as each need is substantially satisfied, the next need becomes dominant. 2.Alderfers ERG Theory: A theory that posits three groups of core needs:existence, relatedness, and growth. 3.Theory X: The assumption that employees dislike work, are lazy, dislike responsibility, and must be corected to perform. 4.Theory Y: The assumption that employees like work, are creative, seek responsibility and can exercise self direction.

5.Two Factor Theory: A theory that relates intrinsic factors to job satisfaction and assosiates extrinsic factors with dissatisfaction.Also called motivation Hygiene theory. 6.McClellands Theory of needs: A theory which states that achievement, power and affiliation are three important needs that help explain motivation. 7.Cognitive evaluation theory: A theory that states that allocating extrinsic rewards for behavior that had been previously intrinsically rewarding tends to decrease the overall level of motivation. 8.Goal setting theory: A theory that says that specific and difficult goals, with feedback, lead to higher performance.

9.Self Efficacy: An individuals belief that he or she is capable of performing a task. 10.Equity Theory: A theory that says that individuals compare their job inputs and outcomes with those of others and then respond to eliminate any inequities. 11.Expectancy theory: A theory that says that the strength of a tendency to act in a certain way depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual.

Motivation and gender at PTCL

Because of work force diversity, number of working women has remarkably increased . Managers at PTCL ensure healthy and safe working environment for both men and women at PTCL. They try their best to motivate both male and female employees by understanding their state of minds & psychology.

Self motivation
Make a deal with yourself Move the goal spots Do something small and create a flow Do the toughest task first Start slow Compare yourself with yourself and not with others Remember your success

Our major recommendations are. PTCL should improve their contact with middle &lower level employees, With supervisory level , Establish internal performance appraisal system to avoid the future complications To evaluate the employee performance and encouraging them.

. Due to the potential economic problems of the country and the industry employees should be aware of that the organization will acquire them to work harder. Managers have to communicate that the company is dependent on the workers and their dedication to excellence in every aspect of their work The organization has to have close relationships with managers and key employees to establish a plan for attaining increased excellence in every department. The plan could include special financial incentives or perks, employee recognition awards and employee training. Motivating the staff and have them working together will help them focus on what is important, continue doing a great job. Focus on processes that help to enhance the involvement of employees at the company and inspire feelings of responsibility for the company's overall success.

Managers should set up employee suggestion systems, focusing on the topic "How to increase productivity to offset an economic slowdown." . Employees are the ones that conduct work tasks on a routine basis and therefore they are the best to suggest improvements and help the company survive hard times. The organization has to encourage managers to step to the front lines and become as pragmatically involved in the day-to-day operations of the business as possible. Many managers view themselves as being somewhat better than other employees and this viewpoint can be disastrous during difficult financial periods. Managers should be creative and encourage creativity among employees in the organization.

From the above findings the following conclusions can be made: Managers should use both internal and external motivational factors as it is better to focus on both rather than assuming that one is dominating. Companies have different strategies concerning motivating employees, some are focused on their personnel while other focus on the performance of the organization. Do not focus too much on existing incentive profiles, since they may not be suited for all companies.

Managers should be motivated themselves before trying to motivate others, otherwise the effort will be a waste of time for the company. All managers are not necessary good managers; therefore an invisible or informal leadership style might be preferred. Certain job characteristic aspects have greater importance on work motivation than others due to individual differences. Feedback and communicating with employees are a great part of the managerial work task, which contributes to increased motivation.

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