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NT2F13 Moscow, Russia 13/05 16/05/2013

CONSIDERATIONS ON THE USE OF FEM IN PRESSURE EQUIPMENT DESIGN Ionel Popescu1, Radu Mihai Negriu1, Sorin George Badea1, Cristinel Besleaga1 1 Econet Prod Bucharest, Romania

Keywords: design, codes, stresses, fracture, fatigue, FEM, CAD. Abstract: The paper presents an analysis of recommendations of using FEM from design codes applicable to the field. Because some of the design codes allow the designers ability to use software based on the finite element method, the paper presents a series of aspects regarding the meshing of the model in finite elements, how to choose the type of model (2D, 3D), the necessary validation and verification operations, and also considerations regarding the use of the results. A comparative analysis is performed between results obtained in designing a reactor using the Design by Formulae method and the Design by Analysis method (Direct Route and Method Based on Stress Categories). There are presented some considerations (based on some pressure equipment design examples) on the choice of safety factors used and some proposals for achieving minimal rules, which can guarantee comparable results between designers.

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