Getting To Know You Inventory

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Name ________________________________

Date _______________________

Getting to Know You

The beginning of the school year is so exciting! One of my favorite things about the
start of a new school year is getting to know each of the students. The answers to
the questions below will help me to better understand who you are as a person.
Take time to be thoughtful about your answers.
------------A nickname that my family or friends sometimes call me is _________________.
My favorite color is ______________________. I really like this color because
My favorite food is ______________________, and I usually get to eat it when
My favorite animal is _________________________. I like this animal because
My favorite type of music is ___________________. I like to listen to music when
A movie that I really like is ____________________________________________.
I usually like ______________________________ movies the best.

Name ________________________________

Date _______________________

I think that one of my special talents is __________________________________

The thing that I enjoy doing the most outside of school is ___________________
Other hobbies I have are _______________________________________________
If I could go anywhere in the world, I would go to _________________________
Right now, I think that I would like to ____________________________________
when I grow up. I would like to do this because ___________________________
An interesting fact about me that I would like you to know is ________________
One thing that I think is exciting about being in fifth grade is ________________

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