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2012/2013 Proposal for Outreach

Student issues Low graduation rate in high school Grade decline from 6 -8th grade Behavior problems Little to no knowledge of post-secondary education Low participation in extra-curricular activities Parent Issues Little to no knowledge of postsecondary education. Little to no knowledge of the American education system. Little to no knowledge about creating academic success for their children. Staff Little to no knowledge about postsecondary education for undocumented students. A need to build a comfort level and awareness: i.e. Immigration Day event.

Possible Interventions
Students Elements of TORCH (Check & Connect) Mentors Volunteer Tutors Data Driven track students Students are given leadership opportunities throughout the school year and summer College visits Career Speakers Honor Role celebration/attention Recruit students into extra-curricular activities throughout the school year and summer. (ICS) Incoming 9th graders receive academic boot camp (towards the end of the school year in 8th grade or over the summer in the high school) High school counselors and/or career center coordinator visit middle schools. Parents Information sessions about the American Education System. (2x a year) Information sessions about college. (Navigate) Ongoing information about parenting sessions offered through community ed. (ICS can continue with that) One-on-one education / home visits (ICS) Staff Cultural competency workshops embedded into professional development. Success Beyond High School workshop. (information about undocumented students receiving post-secondary education) or Navigate Ongoing cultural competency conversations embedded in existing committees (PRIDE, student council etc.)

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