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Transformation into Modern America

Large scale introduction of technology and manufacturing

resulting in major economic development

Industrial Revolution-Mid 19th through the start of the 20th century.

Road to industrialization
Shift from cottage industry to market based economy. Introduction of standardized parts

and labor.

Push for Industrialization

Westward expansion Civil War

Need for Industrialization

Americas production needed to expand to provide goods

for the growing nation.

Vast resources with no way to use them

Transformation of Society
Workers experienced new concept of work day and

factory system.
No longer in charge of their own work

Modern Capitalist economy and markets were adopted New technology and consumer goods transformed how

people lived.

Natural Resources
Oil discovered as a source of energy and

fuel, gasoline which was previously a waste product gained a new use.

Steel production enabled massive

improvements in infrastructure and construction.

Railroads and train systems

Improved roads
Birth of the automobile

Invention of the automobile, typewriter, telephone, light

Machines replaced activities previously done by hand.

Economic growth and creation of new

industries also created the need for more labor.

America became a major destination for

immigration due to economic opportunities.

America viewed as a promised land,

full of opportunity with streets paved of gold.

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