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Casual Sex Agreement

This agreement is provided as a secure and binding agreement which defines in specific terms the relationship and
interaction between two individuals. This agreement is legal and binding. This agreement must be entered
voluntarily, but cannot be broken except under the conditions stated herein, after which certain precautions shall
be taken to protect those involved.

Woman’s Role

Woman agrees to submit to the Male partner in all ways. She also agrees that once entered into this
contract their body no longer remains the total property of themselves. The Male partner will assume most
of the control and any decisions made will be made by the Male partner.

Woman’s Veto

The woman, where appropriate, holds veto power over any command given by the Male, at which time
they may rightfully refuse to obey that command. This power may only be invoked under the following
circumstances, or where agreed by both master and slave:

i. Where said command conflicts with any existing laws and may lead to fines, arrest, or prosecution
of the woman.

ii. Where said command may cause extreme damage to slave's life, such as losing their job, causing
family stress, etc.

iii. Where said command may cause permanent bodily harm (see 4.0.0) to the woman.

iv. Where said command may cause psychological trauma to the woman, such as a rape scene for a
woman that has been raped in the past.

Honesty & Respect

The woman agrees to be implicitly honest with the male when asked any question, including but not
limited to revealing sexual pleasures, habits, fantasies, desires & history and with other sexual partners
when required in order to make the male happy.


I. The slave is not permitted to have orgasms/sexual release without my permission while in the
males care.

II. He has total authority over orgasms.

III. Nudity must be maintained at all times, unless expecting to be in the presence of other people
causing undue embarrassment to the woman.

IV. She must ask specific permission to enter into his bed, nude.

V. During the term she must be open and available at all times.

VI. I will worship His cock, its head and its shaft & balls especially when it is hard or when I am given
the opportunity to make it hard for Him.

VII. If He wishes to use toys on me to provide me pleasure, it is his right & I shall not deny it.

VIII. She agrees to walk to any public park or school ground to perform sexual activities with Him on the
basis that privacy is maintained and she will wear minimal clothing to ensure more time spent with
sexual activities.

IX. When waking up in the mornings, she must always ask before either fondling or sucking his penis
until orgasm and thank Master for such a privilege before leaving.

X. She must always request permission to initially enter his bed nude but wearing only a bra.

Privacy with Digital Media

She shall have equal say in what happens to any digital media taken of her such as, photos, video, pxt. She
has the right to ensure her personal security of such media and is entitled to ensure that any digital media
taken of her is put into a secured area. If secured area requires a password, slave has a right to private
knowledge of half the password chosen by her.

Password Security

She is free from any control by Master to answer when asked for her part of the password. Without
her half of the password, access to such digital media is not possible. She is entitled to ensure the
privacy of her password is assured by taking such precautions to ensure her password is not seen
by Him. She is also not entitled to know His half of the password.

Personal Life

She is entitled to her personal life as a mother and family member. This contract will always take second
place to any obligations with child or family.

Emergency Mobile Contact

She is entitled to have her mobile phone turned on for emergency contact. Any activities shall be
halted while the phone call is taken and she shall leave early for any urgent reason without fear of

Safe Sex

She is entitled to protect herself from pregnancy as pregnancy extends to a period when this contract is
not active such as situations stated above.
She is entitled to deny full sexual intercourse if no condoms are available for use. She is able to limit sexual
play to other safer forms.


She is entitled to avoid sexual intercourse on the basis that she is menstruating. Other forms of
sexual play will be used.

Role Play

She will participate in Age Play whereas both she and he will take upon roles.
Some example roles that maybe used are Mommy, Teacher, Nanny, Principal, Son, Daughter, Doctor,
Patient, Student, Brother, Sister, Daddy, Kidnapper, Victim, etc.

Other role play scenes where forced sexual acts can be used.


She agrees to shave at his request and shave when required to help accommodate with Him performing
oral sex on her.
If he wishes, he may perform or watch the shaving if the opportunity presents itself.


Privacy will be considered a privilege and privacy while showering will be decided by Him. He may wish to
join her in the shower or watch her and then help her. Showering alone while in his care will be considered
a privilege based on her behaviour & performance.

Sleeping & Passing out

She agrees that the he shall perform sexual acts while she is asleep and/or passed out and understands
that he will remain restricted to any limitations stated above. Also agrees to any digital media taken of her
to be shown her later in the morning & shall be limited under Personal Privacy with Media.
Also agreed is the fact that he shall be woken up and asked before she wishes to perform any sexual acts
upon him.

Emotional Involvement

She agrees to limit emotional involvement to sexual intimacy and bonding also feelings of attachment
towards him but agrees that these feelings are for the connection between him & her. She agrees to the
fact that He may not have any romantic emotions towards her.

Alcohol & Drinking

She agrees that at times agreed upon when she gets drunk which may result in passing out, He is given
permission by her to take advantage of her sexually. Master will be restricted to any other conditions active
at that time that may apply.

She agrees to watch at least one porno video each time.

Oral Sex

She agrees to learn how to give oral sex on His penis.

Once oral sex is mastered and accepted, she is to accept his penis in her mouth as part of foreplay or as a
sexual act by itself.

Man’s Role

He accepts responsibility for her body, while she’s in his care. He also accepts to the commitment to treat
her properly, if required to train her, punish her & use her as he sees fit.

Forced Sexual Acts & Actions

He agrees not to forcefully perform sexual acts on her resulting in the action of rape or sexual assault.

Privacy with Digital Media

He shall have equal say in what happens to any digital media taken such as photos, video, pxt. He also has
to ensure that there is a secure area for such media to be stored and to have half the password kept
personal to him.
Password Security

He shall not force slave to reveal her password to him as with half the password Master is unable to
gain access to such media.

Tattoo’s & Piercings

He shall not force her to receive Tattoos or Piercings. Master may use a pen or other such temporary
marker to mark slave but never anything permanent.

Safe sex

He cannot force full sexual intercourse with her without proper protection such as condoms. Other forms of
sexual play will be used.

Sleeping & Passing out

He agrees that he will remain restricted to any conditions set out in Safe Sex while she is asleep. Also he
agrees that he will show her any digital media taken of her while she was sleep which is remains restricted
by Personal Privacy with Media.

Alcohol & Drinking

He accepts when she has been drinking that when he takes sexual advantage of her, he will abide by the
contract conditions in place at that time.

Safe word

The safe word agreed upon by Him & her can be spoken at any time - even when I have been told to be
silent. If I am not able to verbalize it - I trust him to show me how I can express it. Safe words are for my
protection as well as His. I must be careful not to take more than I can handle, as He will need to know
when to stop from getting carried away with His own passions - so that I may be prepared over time to
endure more for Him.

Safe word: ............................................................................. .............

Non-Verbal: ............................................................................. .............

Permanent Bodily Harm

Since her body now belongs to him, it is his responsibility to protect that body from permanent bodily
harm. Should the she ever come to permanent bodily harm during the course of punishment or in any
other related activity, whether by intention or accident, it will be grounds for immediate termination of this
contract, should the she so desire. Permanent bodily harm shall be determined as:

i. Death

ii. Any damage that involves loss of mobility or function, including broken bones.

iii. Any permanent marks on the skin, including scars, burns, or tattoos, unless accepted by her.

iv. Any loss of hair, unless accepted by her.

v. Any piercing of the flesh which leaves a permanent hole, unless accepted by her.

Any diseases that could result in any of the above results, including sexually transmitted diseases.


Before other people are invited into our agreement both parties must verbally agree to meet said people
before they’re invited into any sexual activities between Master & Slave.


All physical/digital evidence of the agreement will be kept in secret, except where they both agree. Any
violation of this clause shall be cause to terminate this contract, should the injured party wish it. The
materials and physical evidence shall be kept under lock and key in a place acceptable to both parties.
Alteration of Agreement

This contract may not be altered, except when both he and she agree. If the contract is altered, the new
contract shall be printed and signed, and then the old contract must be destroyed.
She has a right to ask for an adjustment or modification to the terms of this contract at any time, but only
if He agrees.

Termination of Agreement

This contract may be terminated at any time by the master, but never by her, except under special
conditions explained within this contract. Upon termination, all physical evidence of the agreement,
including this contract, will be destroyed. The woman, previously submitting ownership of her body to Him
shall once again own her body.

If the she requires termination of the contract, she is required to request Him for such termination.
Contract termination will result in the continuation of the agreement before this or the initial contract was

Upon termination of this contract either party has the right to refuse access to the secured digital media by
refusing to reveal either His or Her password to open the secured area in which the files have been kept.

Woman’s Signature

I have read and fully understand this agreement in its entirety. I agree to give myself over to Him and
further accept claim of ownership over my physical body. I understand that I will be commanded, trained
and treated as property. I promise to be true and to fulfil the pleasures and desires of his to the best of my
abilities. I understand that I cannot withdraw from this contract except stated in this contract.

An extra copy of this contract must be given to her for reference and security. The signed master copy will
remain with Him until such modifications are required or termination.

Name: .......................................................... ...

Signature: .......................................................... ... Date: ........./......../........

Male's Signature

I have read and fully understand this contract in its entirety. I agree to accept this woman as my property,
and to care for her to the best of my ability while she is in my care. I shall provide for their security and
well-being and command her, train her, and punish her. I understand the responsibility implicit in this
arrangement, and agree that no harm shall come to her as long as she is mine. I further understand that I
can withdraw from this contract at any time.

Name: .......................................................... ...

Signature: .......................................................... ... Date: ........./......../........

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