Teama Loa

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Team As List of Assumptions Delivery date: December 6th, 2013 Schedule:

Projects format, length and technique: 3D Animation, 2-3 minutes, cartoonstyle Complexity Analysis: Number of characters - 3 Crowd shots - 0 Number of different locations/sets - 4 Types of special effects cloth dynamics and wind How much re-use is possible homes, fences, trees, and foliage can be re-used. Many cemetery assets will be reusable All material produced in-house

Level of Talent: Student Level talent in: Modeling Rigging Animating Texturing Lighting Compositing Sound Editing Effects and Dynamics Concept Art Role of key personnel: Mary Head of Character Modeling. Will be building the framework of the rig. Head of Dynamic Effects. Head of Compositing and Touch Ups Ed Head of lighting and sound. Head of Art Direction. Will be painting weights for the rigs. Mike Head of Layout and Animation. Will be performing motion tests on the rig and producing art for display. Creative checkpoints: September 5th Pitch and List of Assumptions, Preliminary Storyboard, Concept Art September 26th Visual Style Guide, Presentation Storyboard, Animatic, Character and Prop Models October 24th Rigs, Motion Tests, 3D Layout, Test Renders December 6th Final Project Delivery Training Needed: Wind and Cloth Dynamics Quadruped Rigs Quadruped Animation Reference and research material: Dog Walk Animations and References found in G drive Youtube Rigging Tutorials Reference video filmed by us

Crew plan:

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