Name: Amirah Husna Binti Abdullah Matric Number: 124744

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In this semester, for the course work assignment for Technology in Education (EDU 3105), we are divided into groups of four and are assigned to complete four tasks. The first task is to produce a video based on Integrity theme. To fulfil the needs of this task, we are required to do outdoor shooting then editing process.

My group have divided each member with a task to be done to ensure the shooting can be done as soon as possible because the editing process might took a long time to be finished. Also, we have to plan and describe the procedure in the process of producing the video in the storyboard. Although I was assigned as the scriptwriter, it does not mean that I do not have to involve in the other work. As a group, we work together to get it done before the submission date.

Through this task, I have gained new experiences and learned so many things such as how to produce an interesting video with texts and special effects, also how to shot a scene with the right angle and camera movement. Other than that, I got to learn on how to produce a complete storyboard. These are all the knowledge that I should have in order for me to be a good teacher in this IT world.

In editing the scenes for the video, I got to learn on what software to be used and also, how to use it correctly such as Sony Vegas. I am very grateful to be given this task because these are the knowledge that is not easily explored by me even during my free time.

In addition, this assignment also taught me the value of integrity that must be practiced in our lives as a human. Integrity is one of the elements that determine a person's dignity because without integrity, truth cannot be upheld. Last but not least, I

learned that a teacher not only has to know how to teach, but also how to know lot more things to survive in this advance era.

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