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DB2 8.

2 Installation Document
1) Login with root authority.
2) Mount the cdrom.
3) Copy the contents of the cd rom to any of the local file system.
4) Unzip the file.
5) Enter the ./db2_install command at the shell prompt to start the db2_install script. The
db2_install script prompts you for one of the following keywords:
DB2.ESE DB2 Enterprise Server Edition for AIX
DB2.ADMCL DB2 Administration Client for AIX
DB2.ADCL DB2 Application Development Client for AIX
6) Type DB2.ESE & press enter.
7) After the installation is complete you can find a directory
8) To install the FixPak enter the following:
su - root
cd <patchespath>
Where <patchespath> is the path where the patches have been
downloaded and “untar”ed.

9) Create a group for the instance owner (db2iadm), the user that will execute UDFs or
stored procedures (db2fadm), and the Administration Server (db2asgrp) using smitty
10) Create users fosadmin , fosuser, db2fenc using smitty users
11) Go to the location /usr/opt/db2_08_01/instance.
Create the db2 instance using the command
./db2icrt –s ese –w 64 –u <fencedID> <Instancename>
12)Login with <Instancename> authority
13) Update the database manager configuration file parameter SVCENAME(To indicate
the port which we are going to use) using the command,
db2 update dbm cfg using SVCENAME <instancename>
14) Add the corresponding entry of SVCENAME in services file which is in the location
<instancename> portnumber/tcp (Preferably 50000)
15) Update the db2comm parameter(To indicate the communication protocol used) using
the following command,
set db2comm=tcpip
16) Update the db manager configuration parameters using ,
db2 update dbm cfg using <parametername> <parametervalue>

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