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The Rules of the Road

Or...How We Do Things In Class

You Are Responsible For You...

Your teacher is a resource, a guide and someone who can clarify and support in the classroom. Most of your real use of a language will happen outside these 4 walls. You are the person who must know where your resources are, how to locate what you need and, most importantly, when to go to them for support.

Keep It Going...
You will not always understand what is being communicated to you, and someone will not always understand you. How do you make it work? What are your strategies? Do you repeat? Use gestures? How about rephrasing or supplying examples? How do you sustain a conversation what are your follow-up questions to learn more about the topic/ person?

Working in Japanese...
You are being asked to work in Japanese. Your partner, or group, expects you do this, just as you expect it of them. You will not be asked to do something that you do not have the skills to do so relax and use what you have in your head (and at your ngertips). You will improve your skills, accomplish the task, and unbelievably have more fun if you stay in the target language.

Were Done...Not...
If you nish something when others are busy you tare to not to sit there mutely awaiting instructions. This is your time to practice those small talk skills. What is your partner doing after school? What did they do this morning? Do they like broccoli? How do they feel about a particular subject? Stuck? Use some of the ideas on our conversation sheet. Imagine you can sit and talk with someone about everyday thingsjust like a real person

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