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Branding Strategy

Name (vocalized) or Symbol (unutterable?)

Legal Protection

Imply Image Differentiated Product

Dangers are generity and infringement.

Branding Strategy

Why brand?
Aid in promotion

Simplify handling

Pull product through channel

Enhance control by manufacturer

Emphasize quality
Branding Strategy

Strategy Options

Individual Brands
no connections

Blanket Brands
help pull new products through channel

Separate Family Brands

similar manufacturing but not marketing
does not tie all products together
Branding Strategy

Strategy Options (cont.)

Brand Extension
Brand X, new and improved, with additives, new package size, new

Multibrand (proliferation)
increase shelf space and market share
catch brand switchers
reach new segments
Branding Strategy

Strategy Options (cont.)

Brand Repositioning
move to a better segment
competition increased in current segment
customer preference changed
new segment opened up
Branding Strategy

Developing a Brand Name

should suggest product benefit or quality

easy to spell, remember, pronounce
no negative connotations
no legal restrictions
cannot be immoral, deceptive, scandalous
Stealth Marketing Video

Branding strategy
Individual or separate family brand

Derived from buyer behavior analysis and segmentation

Intel Video

Branding Strategy

Family Branding

Generity Problem

……..Does the “Intel Inside” strategy work?

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