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PHY 375

Homework Assignment 2

Due Date: Tue. Sep. 10

5th Edition Ch. 2 (Tipler & Llewellyn): 9, 19, 31, 39, 43. 6th Edition Ch. 2 (Tipler & Llewellyn): 9, 19, 31, 41, 45.

Supplementary problem: S1. (a) Determine the difference in mass between 1 mol of ice molecules at 0 C and 1 mol of water vapor molecules at 100 C. (One mole of water (~6.02x1023) molecules has a rest mass of 18 g) (b) Using the results from above, find the difference in the average binding energy, in eV's, per molecule between ice molecules at 0 C and water vapor molecules at 100 C. S2. Antiprotons (p ), which have the same rest mass as protons but are opposite in charge (-e), are created in high-energy experiments according to the following reaction: p + p = p +p + (p +p) where p is an antiproton. Imagine that one of the protons is at rest (in a suitable reference frame) before the collision: find the minimum kinetic energy of the moving proton required to produce this reaction.

Select answers:
9) 0.99998898c 19: b) 23.8 MeV 31: b) 46.8 MeV 41: b) 9.57x107 m 45: a) 2.87x109 MeV S1. a) 6.02x-10 g Hints: S1. This is an example of a bound system. The relativistic energy of a bound system at rest can be expressed as moc2 - Eb, where is the binding energy. The negative sign is because the energy of a

bound system is lower than for an unbound system. Remember to apply thermodynamic concepts to phase transitions (solid liquid gas) and heating of phases (e.g., specific heat). S2. Use approximately 1GeV for the rest energy of a proton.

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