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Attack một Webserver OmniHTTPd v2.

07 :

trang này đã được đọc lần

Chao cac ban! hom nay toi lai gioi thieu tiep voi ban cach Attack mot Webserver
OmniHTTPd v2.07.

OmniHTTPd la mot Webserver chay tren nen OS Win95/97/98/NT/2K. Den Version

2.07 thi bi "Omnicron Technologies Corporation was notified via" phat hien ra 2 lo
hong bao mat kha tram trong. OK! bay gio chung ta bat dau trao doi va tim hieu ve 2
lo hong nay xtoi no tram trong ra sao? Dau tien tren may ban phai co cai Perl
(Pratical Extraction And Reporting Language), va can phai tai doan Code cua "Joe
Testa" de khai thac 2 lo hong bao mat nay.

Lo hong thu nhat: Lo hong thu nhat cho phep cac Hacker co pha hong bat cu mot file
nao tren Webserver....Dan den nhieu hau qua nghitoi trong. Neu nhu cac Hacker co
the biet duoc chinh xac vi tri file ma minh can pha hoai. Gia su ban da co trong ta
doan Code cua "Joe Testa". Ban ra DOS go:
perl localhost 80 -corrupt duong_dan_file_can_pha_huy

VD: perl localhost 80 -corrupt c:\autoexec.bat

Dong lenh tren se pha hong file autoexec.bat tren Webserver...Ban co the tu do pha
huy cac file khac neu nhu ban biet chinh xac vi tri cua no.

Lo hong bao mat thu hai: Cac Hacker co the sua doi noi dung file bang doan
Script co san. Tat nhien la viec nay co ich cho viec Attack roi, chang ai thua com ma
di sua lung tung ca. Ban ra DOS go:
perl localhost 80 -inject

De lam duoc dieu nay ban phai biet chinh xac vi tri cua file nhu
OmniHTTPd duoc Setting o che do Default thi duong dan cua no co the la c:\httpd\cgi-
bin ...Noi chung cai nay thi con tuy Server, tuy Admin....

VD: perl localhost 80 -inject c:\httpd\cgi-bin

Neu thanh cong, file da duoc thay the. Ban khoi dong Browser cua minh trong
Form Address go http://localhost/cgi-bin/|dir thi ban se nhin thay duoc cac file
trong trong thu muc cgi-bin. P..h..u vay la ban da Hack song mot Webserver Omni
HTTPd roi do. Bua no toi len mang kitoi duoc duoc mot dia chi goi Bug Web (dai loai la
cac trang Web bi dinh Bug...chuyen dung de cho cac Hacker moi vo nghe thuc hanh
duoi day la dia chi cua no)[Vuln.05.02.2001].java.server.txt[Vuln.05.02.2001].hsweb.root.exposu

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