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Purpose: to explain what happens and how or why it happens. They can be in the form of: essays, technical manuals, diagrams, flow charts, labelled displays.

General structure
- how they are set out

Language features
- the kinds of words you might see

statement of phenomenon - title tells what the diagram explains

technical nouns - give topic information

explanation sequence - shows what happens in order using arrows

adverbial phrases - tell where action verbs in present tense - show what happens all the time

P/ELC 43119


Learning Materials Productions

Purpose: to explain what happens and how or why it happens. They can be in the form of: essays, technical manuals, diagrams, flow charts, labelled displays.

General structure
- how they are set out

Language features
- the kinds of words you might see

statement of phenomenon - says what will be explained explanation sequence - says what happens in order

Erosion is when rocks and soil are washed away. Erosion can have different causes. It can start when people clear land for houses or farmland. When we cut down forest and dont leave any undergrowth, the land is bare. When heavy rain falls on cleared land, the fragile topsoil quickly washes away from the badly damaged surface into river and gullies. When this happens, rivers may silt up and go very shallow. The wind mostly only damages sandy places without trees and vegetation, for example, in the desert or at beaches. Another way erosion starts is by animal activity. Both feral animals and native animals cause erosion. For example wombats burrows are often in river banks, which makes the river banks weak and easy to wash away. Rabbit burrows cause creeks to erode their banks easily in a similar fashion. Sheep and cattle tracks also erode hillsides very easily. On the land, we cannot grow anything till the topsoil is replaced either by people or by nature. Until then, the erosion cycle keeps on going.

action verbs in the present tense - show that it happens all the time

noun groups - give detailed information adverbial clauses - tell when and how things happen verbs - show cause and effect

concluding statement

technical terms - build up topic information

time connectives - order events

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