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Cause of the Revolution Flow Chart

Year Event Description Effect on Colonies (Economic, Political, Social) United the colonists against a common conflict. A socially dependent experience as people from different areas mixed together. Effect on England (Economic, Political, Social) Major debt - 60 mil lbs Increase colonial empire in Americas French lands to canada Total control of india Increase colonial empire How it led to the American Revolution. United colonies and made them angry towards british Made the colonists realize that they weren't considered equals to british citizens.


French and Indian War

George washington killed french officer. Relationship between france and england was bad already, so they took the fight to the americas. Washington's actions helped to excite conflict.


Proclamation of 1763

Closed off lands west of appalachians to prevent americans from being killed by indians

Made tensions between colonists and british even more severe. No ability to spread over new lands. Contained in the easy by the british.

British could keep eye on colonists. Prevention of rebellion because land was centralized.

Made colonies even more furious by closing the land they fought for.


Sugar Act

First tax placed on a good, (taxed placed on sugar specifically)

Crippled economy and lead to massive smuggling. Colonists united as one to import illegal sugar from the enemy countries of Britian.

Made england gain some money, but soon had to face illegal smuggling by the colonists.

Heated resentment, because sugar was an important good for trading.





Stamp Act

Any document to be made legal must require paying for stamp from a british government official.

Effect on Colonies (Economic, Political, Social) Led to the formation of the "sons of liberty" (radicals). Introduced new concept of not taxing without consent from the colonists.

Effect on England (Economic, Political, Social) Led to massive chaos as protests rang through every town from the americas.

How it led to the American Revolution. Extremely heated hate as people had to pay quite a burden for a stamp process. This act highly infuriated the colonists due to the extreme area that it covers.


Quartering Act

Act that proclaimed colonists had to provide food, housing for the redcoats in repayment for protection.

Breach of privacy for the colonists, and made societies and communities more restricted due to the enforced patrol.

England could keep eye on colonists and prevented rebellions or angry crowds from taking action.

Breach of independence for the colonists which led to resentment. Day after day, the soldiers would watch the colonists, making colonists suspicious of the mother country.


Declaratory Act

Announced that Britain had absolute control over the colonies.

Made colonies even more constricted by british supervision.

Increased power of england by giving them total control (something they already had) over all overseas colonies.

Choked the colonists even more as they had no personal freedom in government. All personal rights striped away in the name of the monarchy.





Townshend Duties

Light import duty on glass, white lead, paper, paint, and tea.

Effect on Colonies (Economic, Political, Social) Sucked the money more from the colonists, and suppressed trade even farther. A greater need for smuggled goods rose.

Effect on England (Economic, Political, Social) England gained more money, but bitterly increased hate in colonial society.

How it led to the American Revolution. Colonists saw it as another attempt to control them and the trade as well. Colonists harshly opposed.


Boston Massacre

After a regiment of 60 redcoats landed in Boston, the colonists opposed and protested. Open fire and eleven protesters (colonists) died. Gave the British East India company a complete monopoly of the American tea business.

Unified colonists even farther. Grave impact on the view of Britain from the colonists: a massacre and a killing of innocents. Socially, the people were fueled with anger. The colonists united to not even lay hands on the cheap tea. All did not help fund the dying company, rather they looked for smuggling means to get tea. Socially, the colonists fought for a goal. (against a principle, they did not care for how cheap the tea was).

Nothing much of Further extended the hate of effects for England. the colonists as lives were The soldiers had to face actually lost. trial for cases of manslaughter.


Tea Act

England was losing funds at a constant rate as taxes did not come in, and the company went bankrupt.

Further unified the colonists and made them fight for a common goal of tax prevention. The principle was the main goal, not any monetary means for the colonists. Fueled resentment into a single physical action. A key point for the buildup to upcoming revolution.


Boston Tea Party

A hundred Bostonians (dressed as indians) boarded the docked ships, smashed 342 chests of tea, and dumped them into the harbor.

Lost all hopes of resurrecting the British East India company, and London government lost heavily in Tax Revenue.





Coercive/ Intolerable Acts

The acts stripped Massachusetts of historic rights and selfgovernment. It was to serve as an example of government defiance for Massachusetts.

Effect on Colonies (Economic, Political, Social) The Massachusetts bay colony was not allowed to conduct its own business and government. Other colonies looked at the british with disdain after the rights were stripped away.

Effect on England (Economic, Political, Social) No lasting effects on the England, just intensified tensions between their overseas lands and people.

How it led to the American Revolution. Outrage and resistance from the massachusett's people. Other colonies looked at the ordeal with bitter rage


First Continental Congress

A convention of delegates from the twelve colonies at Carpenter's Hall in Philidelphia. They met to respond towards the intolerable acts.

Socially united, the colonists decided together with what to do. A sense of a unified country free from supervision was approaching rapidly.

England did not have a say in the convention, and they did not notice what the colonists were doing.

Created a single unity of colonial power by seeking different remedies of the tightening grip of Britain. The group would serve as a guiding power for the colonists in the near future.


Battles of Lexington and Concord

The first military armed conflict in the Revolutionary war. A brigade of 700 british regulars were sent to destroy an army depot hidden in Concord. The colonists defended and fought back against the British force.

Total unification for the colonists as they chose to fight a larger force. It gave hope to society as they were able to defeat the british infantry.

Marked the beginning of the war against the colonists and started the move towards conquering the rebels (colonists).

The war against the british empire had begun, as the shot was heard from around the world.





Second Continental Congress

A collection of delegates from the now 13 colonies that met to discuss the course of the war. It served to raise armies, direct strategies, appoint diplomats, and in making formal treaties.

Effect on Colonies (Economic, Political, Social) Created a everlasting bond for the colonists. A great sense of moral swept over the soon-forming nation as the progress of the war was going great with the help of the congress.

Effect on England (Economic, Political, Social) Weakened attempts to fight back for the land. The battles were not coming in good favor for the british, as french and colonial forces beat down the british invasions.

How it led to the American Revolution. Helped to achieve victory for the colonists and would ultimately mark the birth of the United States.


Publication of Common Sense

Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, that gave the colonists a reason for fighting for freedom.

Gave the colonists a sense of hope and made them truly realize what they were fighting for in society. The book also became the best seller of the time, highest selling book in the colonies.

Not much effect on the british side, but made them realize that the colonists still had vigor to fight.

Consolidated all reasons for fighting into one comprehensible book for the colonists, making fighting an achievable goal for the people.

July 4, 1776

Declaration of Independence

A document that was drafted by the Continental Congress that announced the 13 colonies as independent states. A new nation emerged from the signing of the document.

Great joy for the colonies as fighting a unbeatable force finally paid off with the birth of a new nation. The colonists could now govern themselves and dictate what to do with no outside supervision.

England lost all lands in the Americas as all funds and income from the colonies were split. The war left the country shaken and disturbed.

A new nation is born. A nation of freedom, and independence.

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