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Determinants of the health & development of Australian children

Lessons 8

Learning Intention: To understand and explain the determinants of health & individual development & their impact on children, using relevant examples to do so

Key Knowledge Determinants of health & individual human development of Australias children

Key Skills Explain the determinants of health & individual development & their impact on children using relevant examples

Learning Tasks: 1. Once we have gone through & discussed the Determinants of Health & Development of Australias children powerpoint, you will be required to complete the learning activity on the final slide: - You will be allocated an example of a determinant of health and development from the following determinants- Biological, Behavioural, Physical Environment, Social Environment (family + community). - Research this determinant, using your textbook (chapter 9), and the internet if you wish. Create an A4 snapshot of this example, which includes the following: * The information detailed on the slide, as well as * A relevant heading & subheadings to order your information * Relevant pictures/diagrams that support your information 2. Once these have been completed, I will put them all together into a mini booklet, to use as a study resource for this topic.

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