Global Warming Powerpoint Presentation

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Global Warming

What is Global Warming?

Global Warming is the increase of the Earths temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would normally escape from Earth.

What causes Global warming?

greenhouse gases are responsible for global warming. Some otherthings that causes it is fossil fuels in cars, factories and electricity production. The gas responsible for the most global warming is carbon dioxide, also known as CO2.

What are the effects of global warming?

Sea level rising:
Large volumes of melted ice which turns into water, then flows down into streams, rivers, lakes and seas. The result is rising sea and water levels, causing floods and massive destruction to towns and cities near the water. Extinction: The lives of many plants and animals will become extinct. For example, the survival of polar bears and penguins in icy regions are in danger, as they cannot survive anywhere else. Other plants and animals in hot areas will die if temperatures suddenly become too cold for them.

Floods and droughts climate change also causes water bodies to dry out. There is also dryness that causes droughts, bush fires and as a result, many water and land animals will die

Extreme weather
Changing climate may also cause the weather to become more extreme, be it droughts or violent storms and heavy rain.

What changes has global warming made to our Earth?

Day by day, as global warming continues, the world gets hotter and hotter and ice melts. As the ice melts, it causes sea levels to rise. Also, some of the hottest years were in the last fourteen years. The hottest of them all was in 2005. The weather in different places has changed. Some animal habitats are in danger. For example: polar bears.

How can we help stop global warming?

We can help stop global warming by recycling recyclabe things. Eg. Bottles, plastic bags, plastic containers, paper and so on. We can also cut down on green house gases and cut down less trees. If you do do that, that will help the Earth

What could happen if global warming doesnt stop?

If global warming doesnt stop, there will be more floods, shortage of natural resources, habitats will be destroyed, and the world will be more polluted.

Where is global warming going?

ocean 93.4%
atmosphere 2.3% continents 2.1% glaciers and ice caps 0.90%

artic sea ice 0.8%

greenland ice sheet 0.2% antartic ice sheet 0.2%

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