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Courtney McLennan Week Strand 1 Number Subtopic Whole Number NES1.

1 Topic 1

Mathematics Program
Compare, order, read and represent numbers to at least 20.

Moree East Public School 2013 Kindergarten -24 Topic 2

Term : 1 2 3 4 Scope and Sequence

Strand Subtopic Outcomes

Patterns and Algebra

PAES1.1 Patterns and Recognise, describe, create and continue repeating patterns Algebra

Continue simple numbers patterns that increase or decrease

Space and Geometry


Use Everyday language to describe a position

Patterns and Algebra

PAES1.1 Patterns and Recognise, describe, create and continue repeating patterns Algebra Uses the term is the same as to
describe equality

MES1.1 Measurement Length Money Number

Compare lengths directly by placing objects side by side and align ends Record comparisons informally

NES1.2 4 Number Subtraction

Take part of a group away to model subtraction Record subtraction informally

(Fraction and Use the language of money Decimals & Whole number)


MES1.5 5 Measurement Time

Describes the duration of events using everyday language Sequence Events in time Tell time on hour and analog clocks

Money Number

(Fraction and Use the language of money Decimals & Whole number)


MES1.4 6 Measurement Mass

Compare the masses of two objects by pushing, pulling or hefting or using an arm balance Record comparisons informally


Volume & Capacity

Identify and describe the attributes of volume and capacity

MES1.4 7 Measurement Mass

Compare the masses of two objects by pushing, pulling or hefting or using an arm balance Record comparisons informally

NES1.3 Number Multiplication and Division

Group and share collections of objects equally Records grouping and sharing informally

Courtney McLennan Space and Geometry SGES1.2 2D Space

Mathematics Program
Represents 2D shapes using a variety of materials.

Moree East Public School 2013 Kindergarten -24 DES1.1 Data

Collect data about students and their environment Interpret data displays made from objects and pictures



Fractions and Divide and object into two equal parts Recognise and describe halves Decimals MES1.2


DES1.1 Data Data

Collect data about students and their environment Interpret data displays made from objects and pictures




Identify and describe the attributes of area Estimate the larger or two areas and compare using direct comparison Record comparisons informally

SGES1.1 Space and Geometry 3D Space

Manipulates and sorts 3D objects found in the environment Describes features of 3D objects using everyday language Uses informal names fo 3D objects

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