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US and Al-Qaeda: friends in arms

By Qamar Abbas Cheema Syria has been in deep mess since March 2011. The Arab Spring has given different shades to countries of that region. External actors have played a more active role in giving a new shape to countries than internal uprising. The dynamics of a civil war in Syria changed since 21 August due to chemical weapons used near Damascus. Two divergent but competing views came on the use of chemical attack. One from Assad regime, Russia and Iran that chemicals weapons were used by rebels and the other from United States, Saudi Arabia, Britain ,Turkey and other states that Syria used it against its population. The most disturbing and alarming point is that Al Qaeda and United States are friends in this war. Al Nusra Front, which is an offshoot of Al-Qaeda, is being armed by Americans and Saudis. Al Nusra Front has been banned by the UN. Quilliam Foundation, a London-based think tank, has reported that Al-Nusra front has been fighting with American forces in Iraq. A United Nations team that visited Syria to inspect that whether chemical weapons were used or not does not have the mandate to tell who used it. The UN has bought time to release this report which may take three more weeks. UN chief Ban-Ki Moon has clearly said that UN cannot take any military action until report of the chemical inspectors comes, while British parliament has downplayed a motion forwarded by the treasury benches that demanded military action against Assad to punish him. Britains resolution in Unites Nations Security Council has to face a bitter treatment where Russia and China vociferously slammed it. President Obama, who calls himself President of the oldest constitutional democracy, has decided to attack Syria unilaterally, flouting the norms of international law. He has gone overboard while bypassing the UN and asking Congress to vote for approval of this attack. The Congress is on recess and about to meet on September 9 of this month. He has ridiculed the 193 member house of the

UN. The question that arises is, is Congress above the UN? This is a moment of silence for the international community; they should pause and think about their dual face. The role of the Muslim world is pathetic and depressing. Like always, they divide along sectarian lines when its a Muslim world issue. Saudi Arabia is leaving no stone unturned to bring Assad down while Iran is supporting Assad. Hezbollah is standing in Assads column. Turkey, Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman are supporting rebels against Assad. Saudi Arabias role is dubious and has never been discussed in Muslim world because King Abdullah is the custodian of two holy houses and it is sensitive to talk on it. Muslim states, many of them monarchies, need Saudis help to survive. Few Muslim democracies are vulnerable enough to talk against the kingdom due to moribund economic conditions as petro dollar is the most powerful instrument to support their meager economies. While there are protests around the globe against American decision to attack Syria, Muslim world needs to reassess its attitude. Kingdoms, monarchies, theocracies and democracies need to reinvest in their political capital. Meddling in other Muslim countries affairs just to install ideologies must be shunned. People must be given rights to bring system of their own choice. Vocal and liberal voices must not be caged under any circumstances. President Assad lost the moral value once there was uprising in the country and he should have listened to the people. Free and fair elections should be conducted without involvement of foreign powers. Article 51 sub-section 3 of UN charter talks of regional arrangements once there is dispute in any region. So all regional states in good faith should help Syria bring its democracy.

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