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Course Syllabus: Biology

Instructor: Email: Textbook: Introduction: Your high school biology coursework involves the study of living things. This survey course will include studies in cellular & molecular biology, botany, zoology, as well as human anatomy and physiology. Using lecture, group studies, projects, and laboratory work, classes are designed to help you become more acquainted with basic biology - with the goal of unveiling the intricate design evident among all living creatures on the Earth. Acts 17:28a "For in him we live, and move, and have our being..." Mr. Janssen Biology: Gods Living Creation A Beka Books, 2010, 3rd Edition, # 92878003

Course Requirements: A. Binder Notebook: 1 or 1.5 Binder required Your notebook will contain 4 distinct sections, as seen on attached Notebook Check Worksheet, marked with tabbed dividers. All items will be filed from oldest-to-newest:


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B. Attendance: 1. It is vital that students make sincere efforts to attend every class. 2. You are expected to be on-time to every class, in uniform and completely prepared with all materials. 3. Absent students must actively seek to make up missed assignments immediately upon return to school. See GGCA Student Handbook for policy details. 4. Laboratory activities missed on days you are absent will not be made up. This policy is subject to leniency in cases where the school administration has excused an absence and suggests the lab be excused as well. C. Assignments: Student assignments are graded based on the following factors: Complete: Assignment 100% completed as requested. Incomplete assignments will be returned to be redone. Neat: format. Correct: Legibly written / typed according to syllabus If you have difficult-to-read handwriting, please type. Answers are correct and given in correct units.

Note: The goal is for you to work through each assignment in a thoughtful way, applying principles learned in class, not perfection! D. Late Policy: You are expected to remit all assignments by the date indicated to you by your instructor. Life circumstances may dictate that assignments arrive to your instructor after the due date. In those cases, this late policy applies: 1. Homework: Example: score 2. Projects: late, at 20% deducted each day up to 5 days late. 10p assignment 1 day late yields 8/10 total At least 10% will be deducted for each day


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the discretion of the instructor. 100p project 2 days late yields, at most, 80%.


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Your assignments must follow this format: Name Class Date Chapter : Page : Assignment 1. Full sentences answers, in your own words, unless otherwise instructed. 2. One space between each answer. 3. Use proper capitalization, grammar, spelling, and punctuation please. 4. Assignments completed in pen on 8.5 x 11 paper (standard collegeruled).

E. Academic Honesty: Students are expected to complete all coursework individually unless otherwise specified. In other words, you must do your own work. You will always be required to cite your sources on assignments (usually in Modern Language Association MLA format) where research is necessary. Please refer to GGCA Student Handbook for Academic Integrity policy. F. Laboratory Conduct: Great care is to be taken for personal and group safety during every experiment and activity. All students will be required to wear safety glasses and a lab apron during exercises. G. Extra Credit: Optional extra-credit assignments are offered to all students coequally. Extra credit is not assigned to boost your grade, but to show an additional expression of your interest in this core science topic.


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Notebook Check Worksheet

Student: Quarter: Year: Your binder is arranged in 4 sections, like this:







Criteria: All sections are labeled and in correct order: Complete, neat class lecture notes, filed from oldest to newest: Number of assignments matches number of assignments returned and marked on JupiterGrades, filed from oldest to newest. Complete collection of graded / returned quizzes: Complete collection of graded / returned tests: Neatness:
0 = No order evident 1 = Many papers misfiled; messy appearance overall 2 = Misfiled papers; messy appearance 3 = Somewhat disorganized notebook 4 = Organized notebook, max 1 item out of place 5 = Exceptional Quality

Score: /5 /5 /5 /5 /5


Total Score:

/ 30



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