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Unit 10.

1: Power of the Individual

Literature Selections:
Anne Bradstreet's Poetry To My Dear and Loving Husband Upon the Burning of Our House The Crucible by Arthur Miller The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson Give me Liberty or Give Me Death by Patrick Henry What is an American? by Michel-Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur

Unit Themes:
Literature can be used to strengthen the individual and regain power from those who would use ! it for their own purposes. Truth has no meaning when people only believe what they want to believe

Big Ideas of the Unit:

powers of the individual individual vs. government/religious authority willingness to make sacrices for the truth dealing with powerful accusers resentment as a motivator hysteria caused by religious people hypocrisy in the government or legal system

Essential Questions:
1. What is the importance of individuality? 2. How can people use their power to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others? 3. What are the risks and rewards of using the power of the individual?

Literary Devices
--allusion --allegory --irony --dramatic irony --situational irony --verbal irony --conceit/extended metaphor --propaganda --aphorism --lyric poetry --archaic language --iambic pentameter --couplet --simile --metaphor --symbol

Literary Elements
dialogue exposition conict internal conict external conict falling action theme character traits syntax stage directions rising action climax resolution/denouement character foil dialect plot setting

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