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Tidy Towns Competition 2013

Adjudication Report
Centre: County: Category: Maghera Cavan A Ref: Mark: Date(s): 2152 200 14/06/2013

Maximum Mark

Mark Awarded 2012 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mark Awarded 2013 23 26 20 28 23 7 17 25 25 6 200

Overall Development Approach The Built Environment Landscaping Wildlife and Natural Amenities Litter Control Sustainable Waste And Resource Management Tidiness Residential Areas Roads, Streets and Back Areas General Impression TOTAL MARK

50 50 50 50 50 20 30 40 50 10 400

Overall Development Approach:

Thank you very much for your entry and we are delighted that you decided to enter the Supervalu National TidyTowns Competition in 2013. As novices in the competition, you have completed an informative and easy to read entry form and supplied a useful map. You appear to be well on your way in a number of categories in terms of this competition. The adjudicator notes that you do not seem to have developed a 3/5-year development plan. Have you considered drafting a development plan in consultation with the locals? Groups base their plan on the Competition Entry Form expanding the competition categories with objectives and targets and a period for completion of these. This is perhaps something you could consider for next year. The adjudicators strongly believe in the benefits of a simple plan and this would assist you in focusing your efforts and progressing further in the competition.

The Built Environment:

The Church is your gem and it was well presented on adjudication day, we particularly liked the stone entrance pillars and hedged driveway. There is a nice stonewall boundary at the cemetery. Yores Car Garage had a tidy boundary and the Gala was very busy on adjudication day but looked fine. Maghera McFinns GFC grounds were not open when we visited but the entrance was tidy. Building works are well underway at Carrigabruise National School.

We can see your grass verges taking shape and realise the hard work required to get them to this stage. You recognise in your plan these grass areas, such as those adjacent to the bus stops and the dance academy. Trying to increase the biodiversity of these areas should be your key aim as well as maintaining and building upon the existing hedgerows.

Wildlife and Natural Amenities:

You have done a considerable amount of work on this category and the commissioning of the one-year preliminary Wildlife and Amenities Management Plan is excellent and will really help guide you in this category until you formulate the five year management plan. The Nine Eye Bridge area is stunning and offers a wealth of biodiversity. In this adjudicators opinion, this area does not need any work, its perfect the way it is. Perhaps a small information board detailing the relevance of the River Blackwater and Lough Ramor could be considered. The opportunity for a wildlife walk from the village also exists.

small information board detailing the relevance of the River Blackwater and Lough Ramor could be considered. The opportunity for a wildlife walk from the village also exists.

Litter Control:
Your work in this category is substantial and we are pleased that you had good support for this work from the Maghera community. Litter control was good on adjudication day - well done. We suggest you formalise your litter activities by preparing a brief litter management plan and establishing a rota for litter picks etc.

Sustainable Waste And Resource Management:

You have a number of recycling projects on the go such as the Recycle Batteries Project, Scrap Metal and Industrial Battery Collection and promotion of recycling facilities. Whilst recycling is encouraged, this category is about minimising the amount of waste produced. Consider running a waste minimisation workshop in partnership with the local authority as part of a public TidyTowns meeting, organising regular second hand/swap markets or an upcycle event. Using Facebook for community engagement in relation to sustainable waste and resource issues also works.

There is a yard across from Yores Gala which would benefit from screening. We would suggest that you plant a native hedge along this short boundary to screen off this area. A bouncy castle sign and a sign for Lakeside Manor detracts from you green areas. Do you have a signage policy? A better location of the Clothes Bank is required as it looks out of place on the grass verge near the dance academy.

Residential Areas:
Housing presentation and boundary treatment is excellent. Residents are maintaining their properties well and are to be applauded for their efforts well done!

Roads, Streets and Back Areas:

You are situated on the main Cavan to Dublin Road and as you recognise the busy thoroughfare poses safety risk during your litter picks and future work programmes on the verges and green areas. The use of the signage signaling your work is very much needed. Roads, paving and bus stops etc all appear reasonably new and are all of high quality. Strimming of the grass on the approach road would be welcomed. You are not required to strim all the grass just a metre or so strip to let by-passers and visitors know that you are actively maintaining and improving your area.

General Impression:
Well done on a strong first year performance. Everyone involved in Maghera TidyTowns should be pleased with the efforts and it is clear from our first visit to Maghera Cross that the community takes pride in their local surrounds. It is hoped that you find these comments constructive and remember that scores achieved for first time-entrants allow for rapid advancement through the competition. We wish you well for the year ahead.

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