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Printable Flashcard on USMLE Step 1: Free Flash...

USMLE Step 1
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languages for your PDA. migratory thrombophlebitis associated
1. Trousseau's Syndrome
with pancreatic adenocarcinoma


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FIRST AID Authors! obstructive jaundice with palpable
2. Courvoisier's sign gallbladder associated with pancreatic

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3. lung surfactant dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine

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For teaching Emotions,
Opposites Colors,
Animals, Vegetables
cardiologic defects associated with
4. 22q11 syndome
truncus arteriosus and tetralogy of Fallot

Cardiac defects associated with Down's

5. syndrome

Cardiac defects associated with

6. congenital rubella
septal defects, PDA

Cardiac defect associated with Turner's

7. syndome
coarctation of the aorta


1 of 9 Tuesday 23 June 2009 01:17 AM

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Cardiac defect associated with a

9. diabetic mother
transposition of the great vessels

Cardiac defect associated with

10. Kartagener's syndrome
dextrocardia/sinus inversus

11. wide, fixing splitting of S2 ASD

ovarian metastasis of a mucinous

12. Krukenberg tumor adenocarcinoma, usually from the
stomach, presents bilaterally

alcohol, thamine deficiency (beriberi), prior

myocarditis, hemochromatosis, idiopathic,
13. causes of dilated cardiomyopathy coxsackie B virus, chronic cocaine use,
Chagas' disease, doxorubicin toxicity,
peripartum cardiomyopathy

amyloidosis (seen in RA), sarcoidosis,

postradiation fibrosis, endocardial
14. causes of restrictive cardiomyopathy
fibroelastosis, endomyocardial fibrosis

familial - mutation in sarcomere gene,

15. causes of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy autosomal dominant

16. bcl-2 follicular and undifferentiated lymphomas

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17. c-myc Burkitt's lymphoma

18. erb-B2 breast, ovarian, gastric carcinomas

19. l-myc small cell lung carcinoma

20. ret MEN II and MEN III

21. floor of the orbit roof of the maxillary sinus

communication of orbit and

22. pterygopalantine fossa
inferior orbital fissure

transthyretin (prealbumin) mutation

deposited as amyloid in organs in familial
23. senile cardiac amyloidosis
amyloid polyneuropathies - normally
transports thyroxine and retinal

deposited in chronic inflammatory

24. AA amyloid


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26. B2 amyloid deposited in Alzheimer's

27. B2 microglobulin amyloid deposited in long-term hemodialysis

Neurofibromatosis type I - cafe-au-lait

spots, neural tumors, Lisch nodules
28. von Recklinghausen's disease (pigmented iris hamartomas), skeletal
disorders (scoliosis), pheochromocytoma,
increased tumor susceptibility

Neurofibromatosis type I gene and

29. chromosome
NF1 gene on chromosome 17

bilateral acoustic neuroma, optic pathway

30. Neurofibromatosis type II
gliomas, juvenile cataracts

Neurofibromatosis type II gene and

31. chromosome
NF2 gene on chromosome 22

32. interosseus muscle innervation ulnar nerve

hand muscles innervated by the median abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis
33. nerve brevis, opponens pollicis

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34. adductor pollicis muscle innervation ulnar nerve

35. BRCA1 chromosome 17q

36. stomach cancer gene and chromosome DCC on chromosome 18

pancreatic cancer gene and

37. chromosome
DPC gene on chromosome 18

on the dorsum of the foot between the

38. location of the dorsalis pedis artery extensor hallucis longus and the extensor
digitorum longus tendons

39. polyhydramnios associations duodenal and esophageal atresia

tabes dorsalis (syphillis) - accommodation

40. Argyll Robertson pupils
but no pupillary light reflex

hepatic adipose cells found in space of

41. Ito cells
Disse of liver, store vitamin A

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treatment for hypertrophic

42. cardiomyopathy

pressure from a fatty neck causes

43. Pickwickian syndrome
intermittent airway obstruction

occlusion of the aortic outlet causing

idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic
44. stenosis
dyspnea, angina, dizziness, congestive
heart failure

action of the upper fibers of the

45. trapezius
elevation of the acromion

prolongation of PR>200 ms,

46. 1st degree heart block

dropped P wave, prolongation of the PR,

47. 2nd degree heart block - Wenckebach asymptomatic

dropped beats without preceding PR

48. 2nd degree heart block, type II prolongation, 2:1 block, pathologic - may
progress to 3rd degree

atria and ventricles beat indpendently of

each other, P waves bear no relation to
49. 3rd degree (complete) heart block
QRS, atrial rate is faster than ventricular,
treat with pacemaker


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51. anti-centromere antibody CREST

52. anti-SCL-70 diffuse scleroderma

53. anti-histone antibody drug-induced lupus

54. drugs that cause lupus-like syndrome hydralazine, procainamide

55. anti-dsDNA SLE

lung cancer (bronchogenic expect

squamous cell), diaphragmatic
56. clubbing diseases
neurilemmoma, mesothelioma,
bronchiectasis, hepatic cirrhosis

new subperiosteal bone associated with

57. hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy clubbing

diffuse cortical loss due to hypertension,

58. subcortical leukoencephalopathy infarcts of frontal lobes with irregular loss
of axons

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59. produces lytic and blastic bone lesions breast cancer

60. produces blastic bone lesions prostate cancer

61. produces lytic bone metastases lung cancer

62. most common metastases to bone breast and prostate cancer

sulfonamides (sulfa-tmp), nitrofurantoin,

63. drugs producing hemolysis in G6PD
dapsone, primaquine, quinine

infections of IV lines and prosthetic

64. heart valves
Staph Epidermidis

general sensation from posterior 1/3 of

65. tongue, upper pharynx, eustachian tube IX

66. efferent to stylopharyngeus muscle IX

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afferents from carotid body

67. baroreceptors and carotid sinus IX

mismatch repair defect, microsatellite

68. HNPCC gene mutation

69. antimitochondrial antibody primary biliary cirrhosis

introduces negative supercoils to stabilize

70. DNA gyrase action
an underwound DNA

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