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Boiling Point & Melting Point

X) Water are the factors influencing boiling point of Water? i) air pressure ii) Impurities

iv)the water is boiled at high pressure area Answer i) NO effect ii) NO effect iii) Impurities increase boiling point iv) Pressure increase, boiling point increase. 24) What are the factors influence evaporation? i) Surrounding temperature Evaporation rate ii) Humidty percentage Rate of evaporation iii) Surface area Rate of evaporation iv) Air speed Rate of evaporation v) Pressure Rate of evaporation 25)03088 Which one is true about absolute temperature? i) Same as 273 temperature ii) Freezing point of water iii) Temperature when mass of molecule turn to zero iv) Temperature when kinetic energy molecule is zero 28)03090 Water

add with salt B.P >100 ADD SALT,TEMP

pure B.P = 100

X2)03085 Boiling point of water can be increase by i) Increasing the rate of heating ii) Dilute substance that can dilute in water iii) Reduce humidity of air around water iv) Increasing the air pressure around the water. PROVE i)

Rate of heating Providing energy Reaching boiling point early. *But boiling point remain unchange Impurities add Humidity does not influence boiling point P boiling point

ii) iii)


23)03493 A student is heating up water and found that the water boilb at 140. Boiling point is more than 100 maybe because i)the water is boiled too long ii) volume of water boiled is to high iii)there is a bit of salt dilute in the water

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