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Biologie Calculeaza cant de nucleotide citidilice din component unui fragment de AND ce contine 34 de nucleotide adenilice care constituie

20% din totalul de nucleotide ale acestui fragment de AND. Eng. Essay What is EU impact on the cultures of the countries in Europe.In the first paragraph write about ideas of the European community .Write about peoples mobility in Europe.Adv and disadv. Using same of currency,the same prices,the same qualities and how this process affects you. Istorie

Europes population is increasing through a combination of natural growth ( more people are born each year than die) and net migration (more people settle in the EU than leave it). At the same time, the population of Europe is ageing as life expectancy increases and fewer children are born.

Education increases the skills of the workforce and puts them in a better position to cope with increasing international competition. The EU encourages people to spend time abroad as part of their education. Language skills are becoming increasingly important, as globalisation leads to more and more contact with people from other countries. The EU actively encourages the acquisition of language skills from an early age. EU is operating as a single market

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