Divisional Agenda 052809

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Key Club International

New York District

Lieutenant Governor Shellee Wong
ShelleeWong.LTG@nydkc.org – 765 Hastings Street, Baldwin, NY 11510 – Cell: 516 355 8023

Key Club Divisional
Division 7
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Oceanside High School

I. Call to Order
a. Pledge of Allegiance (Dylan Gross- President ERHS)
b. Key Club Pledge (Regina Zick- Vice Pres. BHS)
I pledge, on my honor,
To uphold the objects of Key Club International;
To build my home, school, and community;
To serve my nation and God;
And combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions
c. Roll Call (IP Lt Gov Ronnie Instrella)
d. Introduction of Guests (LTG Shellee Wong)

II. Ice Breaker- The Ball Challenge

III. Key Note Speaker- Santi Wong
IV. Club Updates

V. Old Business
a. Paperwork
b. District Mailing List (www.nydkc.org)
c. Divisional Website

VI. New Business

a. Dues Reminder
b. District Projects 2009-2010
c. Governor’s Project- “Our World- Our Focus”
d. District Goals
e. Distinguished Key Clubber Award
f. Kiwanis Relations
g. Scleroderma Walk
h. Relays for Life
i. Oceanside
ii. Baldwin
i. East Rockaway’s Huckleberry Frolic
j. Lieutenant Governor Evaluation Form
k. Service Spotlight Articles
l. Divisional Newsletter

VII. Adjournment

a K i w a n i s - f a m i l y me m b e r
k e y c l u b . o r g | n y d k c .o r g

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