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1. Choose the correct form of the verb

a) The boys are doing/do their homework at the moment.
b) I usually am meeting/meet my friends in the evening.
c) Be quiet! The teacher is coming/comes.
d) We never watch/are never watching TV after midnight.
e) You are wearing/wear a very silly hat today!

2. Rearrange the words to make sentences

a) always/ nice clothes./You/ wear
b) cooks/He/sometimes/the dinner.
c) our English teacher/going to/give us a test/Is/tomorrow?
d) tomorrow./They/coming/with us/arent
e) remember/my birthday./You/never

3. Complete Leos letter. Use at, in, or on.

Hi Carolina!
My names Leo. Im 18 and Im in the final year at school. Im leaving _____
June, after my axams. Im starting college ______ 2002, but before that Im travelling
round the world! Im flying to Austria _____ 27th August, and Im coming home
_____ the spring next year, probably _____ March.
I need a lot of money for this trip, so at the moment Im working in a caf
_____ Thursdays and Fridays, and also I work in a supermarket _____ the weekend.
The work in the caf is really hard. I start _____ seven oclock _____ the evening,
and I finish ______ half past twelve!
Tell me about your plans for the future!

4. Find the word


5. Put P if the sentence refers to the present,or put F if it refers to the

a) Liam an Harry are playng tennis now. ____
b) Emily is running in a competition at the weekend. ____
c) I am having a party tomorrow. ____
d) Paul is doing his homework. ____
e) I am going home. ____

6. Translate
always = _____________


sunny = ______________


windy = ______________

spalna soba=___________

bookshelves = ___________


wardrobe = ______________


basement = ____________



7. Correct the mistakes

a) She watching a film now.


b)My friend not likes English.


c)I am go to school now.


d)Marta likes dancing.


e)Were do you live?


TOTAL ____/55

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