880 NEW Brothers & Sisters: Deva Anbu Illam Family Re-Union

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Our hearts are overwhelmed with joy and thanksgiving as we honor and praise our Almighty God for the wonderful increase He has given (I Cor. 3:6). The five-day August campaign was a universal effort involving brethren on both sides of the world. Great appreciation by our soul-winning-evangelists is extended to thousands of church members here in America as prayers, words of encouragement and contributions showered us all. The three days leading up to the campaign were spent encouraging and motivating the workers in various places. I shared many of your letters and told of the congregations in America who were praying from their pulpits on Sunday. Sunday, August 11, the day before the campaign was to begin, we were scheduled to visit the new school of preaching in Tiruppati, located in the state of Andre Pradesh. We have 21 new evangelists in this school and were so excited to involve them in their first campaign. As we prepared to leave for Andre we received news that violence had escalated and we would not be allowed to cross the border - but we entered without difficulty. As the day progressed, demonstrations increased and several times, because of protests blocking the roads, we had to find alternate routes. With only slight difficulty, we managed to get out of Andre by Sunday evening. The violence stopped all public transportation, and we were concerned about the impact on the campaign in that area. It seemed Satan was doing everything in his power to stop the Tirupatti effort. But over the next few days, I was constantly reminded of Josephs words to his brothers, Ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good (Gen. 50:20). Because of the strike, people remained in their homes and our brethren were allowed many more opportunities for home studies. There were 124 baptisms in the Tirupatti area alone. Our goal had been for 1,000 souls to be delivered by the end of the campaign on Friday. At fifth-days end the number was 692.

The persistent effort of our 231 brothers was made obvious by 1,643 home Bible studies conducted over the five days. We also include the Lydia program as Cathy and many of our sisters went about teaching and conducting studies with ladies. By Friday, there existed thirteen more congregations of the churches of Christ. I felt exhilaration, but many of my brothers were disappointed that the goal was not achieved. The work continued over the next few days until eventually the final number came to 880. One American sister sent a letter to the brothers explaining to them that Don has a set number of days for the campaign but that God does not have a schedule! In January, the goal for 2013 was established. The aim among the workers with whom I work directly was 4,000 conversions and 100 new congregations of the Lords church. Today, 3,452 souls have been added and 82 new congregations have been established. God is SO great!

after being converted following the 2004 tsunami, Kupparaj was prohibited from fishing in the Bay of Bengal. His area is the most radical Hindu region of Nagapattinam, and these extremists continue trying to force him from his home. They have gone so far with local authorities as to impose a heavy fine on anyone caught worshipping with the churches of Christ. Despite constant threats, this brother, (pictured to the left) and his family have continued their faithful service. Eventually, Kupparaj was trained in our school of preaching in Nagapattinam, and he has helped to establish several congregations in that city. He has personally been responsible for teaching and baptizing more than 40 souls. For this brother, supporting his family these recent years has not been easy. He worked as a coolie laborer, carpenter or whatever he could do. Eventually, he opened a chicken business from which he was able to make his living until last month when radicals burned his business to the ground. His total loss was nearly $1,000, a very large investment for an Indian. Many American brethren have contributed to help this family. You provided $800 to help him re-open his business in a different part of the city. He is also in the process of leasing his house and moving his family to a different part of the city. I consider it a great privilege to work beside of men like Kupparaj.


The man in the photo is Daniel Dorisami. He and his wife, Padma, are very zealous servants of our Lord. Three years ago, after the church members in their village were beaten during worship services, they were forced to move outside of the village. Sadly, the leaders in their persecution were Padmas own father and brothers. Padmas breast cancer diagnosis last year and eventual mastectomy did not slow this couples efforts in the Lords work. Padma worked in the campaign and encouraged her husband even as she continued her chemo treatments. Her faithfulness made an impact, and during the campaign, they baptized one of her brothers (formerly a persecutor) and his wife. I mentioned in an earlier e-mail that her cancer treatments for the past year added up to $2,500. Many of you have contributed and we are happy to announce that almost all of these medical expenses are now covered. God is great! Another family who has suffered greatly for our Lord is the family of Kupparaj. Though fishing had been his livelihood,

Deva Anbu Illam Family Re-union

Any good parent understands that parenting does not end just because children move out of the house. Likewise, we feel a heavy responsibility toward our children even after they leave

our campuses at the childrens homes. They must remain faithful and steadfast. After several weeks of personal visits from Cathy to many of our grown childrens homes, we organized the first of what we anticipate will be annual DAI family re-unions. It thrilled our hearts to see the love of these children one for another as they were re-united. Cathy and I had lumps in our throats as we remembered many of their previous pitiful childhood conditions. Emmanuel, one of our first children at DAI, is pictured to the right, bringing his baby daughter to introduce her to his DAI brothers and sisters. It was sweet to sit back and watch the children of our children (cousins) playing together. This brother was elected by his peers as the alumni president for 2013-2014. His duty is to keep everyone in touch, including a periodic letter to update all DAI families. After several speakers taught lessons on family and faithfulness, we all gathered to enjoy a power-point presentation of DAI photos taken through the years. Cathy and I were completely taken by surprise when the ceremony opened with a special appreciation in our honor. It was impossible to fight back the tears. After the ceremony each family was presented with a framed photo of the DAI child in his or her younger years. The following day, Sunday, these young adults gathered for a worship service at the re-union facility. Karthik, a current resident at DAI, preached a marvelous lesson on the Family Reunion in Heaven. Brethren, this is it. This is what we all set out to do, by Gods grace, almost twelve years ago. He is a God of the fatherless (Ps. 68:5) who has answered our prayers. All praise and glory goes to Him as we see these faithful fathers, mothers, husbands and wives who were once children in need of rescue from such dreadful circumstances. They now reign as children of the King of Kings (Rev. 19:16). God is SO great!
During August I was able to purchase a much needed vehicle for DKI, the home in the south. After much negotiation, we paid $11,900 for this van. It will easily carry 20 children.

SEPTEMBER 2013 (Each circle represents one of 880 souls)



Church of Christ PO Box 1413 Banner Elk, NC 28604

India Missions


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