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Writing Activity: Opinion Essay

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Museums a waste of money?!

I firmly believe that museums arent a waste of money, or a waste of time. A first argument to sustain my opinion is that visiting museums we grow our knowledge about different domains: history, archaeology, art, nature, science, lifestyle and more others. For instance, when we visit museums, we are very close to the things that are presented there: we see that things, we hear information about them, sometimes we can touch the exhibits. A second argument to sustain my opinion is that museums have national importance. A museum is representative to the country which belongs to. It is like a mirror of the country that show to the foreign - and to the country`s citizens also - things of national importance like inventions, historical periods, acts of bravery and lives of famous people. On the other hand, we live in the 21st century, the century of digitalization. The information presented in a museum can be easily found on the Internet, without a trip to the museum. In that way, we save money and we save time. Nowadays, museums become deprecated, and the people`s interest for museums is decreasing. Taking everything into account, I can say that visiting museums is an activity of great importance that improves our knowledge about life. Despite the fact that museums struggles with modern life`s trends, it remains an significant source of information that offers unforgettable experiences to the visitors.

Words: 240

David Gabriel, X D Class

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