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Dear Parents, This year we will be extending our Language Arts program with a Daily Reading Log.

Childen who read and are read to regularly at home are more likely to show increased interest in books and in turn become better readers. Children need the chance to practice their developing skills at school and at home so they can have increased success in reading independently. I ask that you please spend 10 to 15 minutes per night either reading with or listening to your child read. Please have your child complete the log record section and return it to school the following day. You may also want to make a short comment, such as how well your child was able to read, or retell, predict or draw conclusions or anything that you noticed particularly challenging for your child. Reading log activities will change log throughout the year. The following pages will give you some tips for reading with your child. I appreciate your efforts in making this program a success. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks, J. Salgado

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