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NAME _____________________________________________G ___ ID _______________. GRAMMAR, SITUATION AND WRITING 3.0 POINTS

GRAMMAR RECOGNITION Organize the following words. Make sentences or questions. Use the present continuous. Remember the order of the sentence or question. ( 10 points)
1. listening / are / to / music / they / now / ? / ________________________________ 2. watching / she / is / what / ? / __________________________________________ 3. cooking / are / you / now / ? / __________________________________________ 4. laughing / are / why / you / ? / __________________________________________ 5. my / shouting / son / is / ______________________________________________

STUDENTS SITUATION I. Answer the questions according to your reality 6. Who are you? 7. Where are from? 8. What do you do? 9. Whos your favorite singer? 10. Which courses are you in?


WRITING PARAGRAPH CONSTRUCTION 1 POINT II. Choose the letter of the correct order of the sentences which make a paragraph 11. 1. A phonetician usually works in one or more areas. 2. namely phonetics and phonology. 3. Phonetics refers to the study of speech sounds. 4. The study of pronunciation consists of two fields, a. 1,2,3,4. c. 4,3,2,1. b. 1,3,2,4. d. 4,2,3,1.

12. 1. restaurant owner and long-time resident of Rio de Janeiro, 2. Paulo Costa, 3. He was 56 years old. 4. died of a heart attack yesterday in Santa Helena Hospital. a. 2,4,1,3. c. 1,2,3,4. b. 2,1,4,3. d. 1,3,2,4. 2.0 POINTS

VOCABULARY AND READING COMPREHENSION VOCABULARY RECOGNITION III. Fill the blanket with the letter of the word definition 13. Boring 14. Beautiful 15. Interesting 16. Nationality 17. CD player [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ]


A. plays disks. B. not interesting. C. pleasant to look at. D. not boring. E. the legal status of being citizen of a country.

READING COMPREHENSION IV. Write a T or an F to indicate that statement is True or False


Dear Jane: Hi! My name is Elkin. Im a student. Im from Medelln, Colombia. Medelln is small. Two million people live here. Im in a famous park Botero. It is downtown. Downtown is interesting. There are museums and coffee shops. What is your city like? I hope your answer. Elkin.

18. Elkin is in Botero Park. 19. There are three million people in Medelln. 20. Elkin studies English. 21. Jane is Colombian. 22. The postcard is Elkins.

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