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What Are the Fruits of Your Learning/Personality Style? Inventory Developed by Dr.

Linda Karges-Bone Copyrighted Material 2001 Directions: In each row, select the cluster of words that best describes you. You may choose only 1 letter in each row. You will end up with a 6 letter profile. Compare your profile to the key to decide which of the four fruits best describes the "Fruits of Your Learning/Personality Style". Row One "One could best describe my workstyle" A_______ Prefer group projects Organized Attentive to Details Skilled in one area B_______ Prefer to be in charge Determined to finish first Able to multi-task Finds the right people C_______ Prefer to work alone Perfectionist Need to focus Worried about outcomes D_______ Prefer group projects Like to motive others Creative Love to multi-task

Row Two "This is how I approach problems" E_______ Takes a look Problem tackler Enthusiastically With a laugh F_______ Takes charge Problem seeker Opportunistically With an agenda G_______ Takes control Problem solver Theoretically With a plan H_______ Takes cover Problem preventer Cautiously With food

Row Three: "When I want to remember something I." I_______ Write it down Hi-lite with color Type an outline Review for hours J_______ Say it to myself Hum it in a tune Study with a partner Review right before K_______ Read it several times Study in a quiet place Write personal notes Group study session L_______ Make a visual aid Self-test Audio-tape Hire a tutor

Row Four: "This is how other people see me" M_______ Naturally liked Impulsive Inspirational Clever and Quick N_______ Natural leader Bold Determined Intelligent O_______ Natural worrier Cautious Independent Knowledgeable P_______ Natural nurturer Careful Dependable Competent

Row Five: "My ideal home office..." Q_______ Classical music Leather chair Direct lighting Lawyers bookcase R_______ Talk Radio Big desk Indirect lighting Lots of filing cabinets S_______ New age nature sounds Exercise ball to sit on A big window Open baskets/bins T_______ Soothing Music Small sofa Cozy lamps Labeled boxes

Row Six: Circle the phrase that best describes your preferred way of starting a project: U. V. W. X. I imagine the final product in all its glory and then go back and fill in the pieces. I make an outline and then sequentially research the necessary pieces. I talk to experts and then try out small parts to see how they look. Then I put them together. I assign others to develop parts and save the area in which I am an expert for myself. Then I put the whole thing together.

My Profile is ____ Compare to These:












= Grape = Apple = Strawberry = Banana

The Autonomous Apple is ...... Able to take charge of any situation, the few apples among us May be seen as "bossy" or "proud" Prefers to be in charge and may not allow others to contribute, so they work best with bananas, who also like to get things done and grapes, who do what they are told to do. They will try to roll over the frivolous strawberry, so keep them separated. Values excellence and vision. Long shelf-life. Can be edible for months and even when it gets soft, can be made into cider or applesauce. Tough fruit. Uses both sides of the brain because he or she can "see the big picture" and then move quickly and efficiently through all the steps. Probably does well in school with little prompting, but can also be prone to attention deficit disorder, frustration, and bouts of temper. Can be counted on to bring a project in on time, no matter what the cost. The Brainy Banana

Uses reason and order to approach life Can be a scholar or display learning problems since he or she needs time and control over situations to feel successful. Does best with one project at a time so that it can be perfect. May be prone to tension headaches and other stress related illnesses. Has a thick skin that needs to be carefully peeled away to see the "real" person. Keeps going even when brown and bruised. Just make it into banana bread. May be considered wimpy or whiny because of his or her demand for perfection and attention to details. Becomes confused or annoyed when he or she is disrupted. Excels at "running things" once he or she is assured of the direction and vision. Bananas work well with grapes, who join them in their quest for diligent effort or with strawberries, whom they secretly admire but openly disdain for their sloppy ways. Values accuracy and diligence Can be counted on to be discreet and direct.

The Significant Strawberry Is able to bring people together to solve problems. The strawberry is significant because you always know when one is in the room. He or she is passionate about ideas, ideals, and opinions and will make an impression. May be considered opinionated or pushy. Values creativity and passion. Easily squished, and can cause a mess. The juice is sweet and colors everything around it, but some people can be allergic to it. Likes to be in charge if it means exploring new territory and having lots of latitude. May miss important details, so it is good to pair him or her with a banana or grape. Apples make them nervous. Learns by talking and touching. They need to put their "personal mark" on the task. Works quickly and efficiently for short periods, then needs to rest and rejuvenate. Can be counted on to come up with interesting, original work . The Good Grape Likes to work in bunches. It is safer that way. Mixes well with other flavors. The juice of the good grape makes everyone look and taste better. May be perceived as slow or secretive. It is easy to underestimate a grape, but dont do it. He or she may have a great deal to contribute if the circumstances are right. Grapes may display learning problems because they are too shy to ask questions. Take time to draw the grape out and enjoy its wit and intelligence. Values security, tradition, serenity. The grape does not like to be rushed. He or she is methodical. May be afraid to ask questions at the risk of drawing too much attention or the wrath of the apple. Easily bruised and must be carefully nurtured to produce the right color and taste. Learns through tactile-kinesthetic and auditory experiences. Can be counted on to do his or her part to contribute to the good of the group.

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