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The Task In a Role: Delegate to your states legislature

You are one of these historical individuals, research their arguments, and write a public letter to be published in a newspaper in your state that supports or opposes the ratification of the Constitution! The Process

Create your argument by using the information provided + your textbook, class notes, etc. As you create an argument, use the following questions to guide you through the information:

Are you considered a Federalist or an Antifederalist? Why? What in your background would lead you to believe you would take the position you did? What are your main arguments? (Choose three sections of the Constitution and use direct quotes to argue for your position.)

Write a letter to be published in a newspaper in your state that supports or opposes the ratification of the Constitution. Make sure to give your best arguments, using evidence from the Constitution, in a most persuasive manner. Remember to organize your letter so your conclusion restates the most important points of your argument. The delegates all felt very strongly about their positions, so a little emotion may be in order! As you post your letter for others to read, announce your vote (for or against) and provide a sound reason for your decision. If you want, create a costume and any props you feel will make your presentation more effective.

Advice You must become very familiar with the important role you play in these debates. As you read your research highlight those areas you feel are most pertinent to use with your notes. Be sure to stay aware of your opponents' points of view, trying to figure out what arguments they might use in their letters of appeals to the American people.

Your letter should include: - What state you are representing - Whether you support or oppose the ratification of the Constitution - 3 reasons why you support or oppose the ratification of the Constitution (at least one of these reasons needs to be specific to your delegate bio) - 3 parts of the constitution (Not including the amendments) that support your argument - A counter argument to a claim made in either Centinel 1 (if you are a Federalist) or Federalist Papers 10 or 51 (if you are an Anti-Federalist)

SECTION 1: Basic Information Delegate Name: ________________________________ State: ______________________________ Federalist or Anti-Federalist: _______________________ Do you support or oppose ratifying the Constitution?______________________ SECTION 2: Reasons why you oppose or support What are 3 reasons for why you oppose or support the ratification of the Constitution? Personal reason:

General or Personal reason:

General or Personal reason:

SECTION 3: Constitutional evidence What area of the Constitution will support reason 1? Why will the above part of the Constitution support reason 1?

What area of the Constitution will support reason 2? Why will the above part of the Constitution support reason 2?

What area of the Constitution will support reason 3? Why will the above part of the Constitution support reason 3?

SECTION 4: Counter Argument What argument from the opposing side are you countering and which of the above reasons can you use to counter an argument from either Centinel 1 (Federalist) or the Federalist Papers 10 or 51 (Anti-Federalist)? What document are you countering? What document from this paper are you countering?

Which of your reasons (from SECTION 1) can you use to counter this argument?

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