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SECOND SET OF SYMBOLS: ANGELIC SIGILS I (30 symbols) This is the second set of symbols and the first

deck of angelic symbols: these 30 sigils are taken from the 72 sigils of the so called Genious of the Qabalah, that all form the so called secret name of God or Schem Hamphorasch. Each of the 72 Angels form a piece of reality, and all the 72 Angels form the full reality. The 30 Angels taken have been choosen to provide the most usual purposes of Tele Hypnosis Pro. So, for example, now for this first deck of angelic sigils, the Angels involved in harmony for relationships and marriages, have been choosen, better than for example, Angels of enlightment, because many users are using THPRO for problems within a love relationship, and also, very few use the program for enlightment; otherwise, the sigils of the rest of the 72 Genious, and many other sigils of different angelic beings will be released in the future. Remember that all the 72 Angels are sacred, and no one Angel is over others. INSTRUCTIONS TO USE WITH TELE HYPNOSIS PRO: Unless you are going to invocate the power of the Angel that is working on your birn date (For example, if you were born on 18 of may, you can invocate Hahaiah very easily and quickly), you must take first a little of contact with that Angel and his sigil. You should print the sigil, and wear it over you some days, and some minuts a day, take it with your hand and look at the sigil and pronunciate in your mind 10 times the name of the Angel. Also, take in mind the astrological sign of the days when the Angel is working with full activity (for example, in the previous example of Hahaiah, the sign is Taurus), study a brief about that astrologic sign, the attitudes, behaviours, virtues and vicious associated to that sign, and make little meditations about the sign and the sigil to make an inner subconscious connection between the astrological symbol and the sigil; in a deep level, you will advise a connection between the properties of the Angel, and the properties of the astrological sign. Make this steps some days to get a little knowledge of the Angel that will link you to him innerly and achieve a first contact with the Angel. Once you have done the previous step, now comes the really important part. SAVING THE AUDIO COMMAND- INVOCATION OF THE ANGEL FOR HELP. PRAYING. Check below in this document the days and hours of the Angel you want to invocate. For example; Hahaiah is in full activity from 17 of may to 21 of May, and everyday during 20 minuts from 3 hours 40 minuts after the sunrise till 4 hours after the sunrise. So if the sunrise in your zone is today the 7:30 A.M., Hahasiah will be in full activity since the 11:10 A.M. till 11:30 A.M. Remember that in everytime all the Angels are in activity, but the contact is easier and their energies are full in their respective hours and / or days. Remember again too that if you were born on 17,18,19,20 or 21 of may, you can invocate Hahaiah the 365 (or 366) days of the years, the 24 hours of the day. If you weren't born in the days of Hahaiah, you should contact him his ruling days, or whatever other day in his ruling hours. To invocate an Angel with the use of Tele Hypnosis Pro, it is very important that you save the audio command-pray in the days or hours of the Angel you are praying for help. The audio command must be a pray (remember that is an invocation); pronounciate some times the name of the Angel, your reason to ask for his help, and explain concretely what you want, and add that if it is the will of God. Remember that you must be very concrete in your petition. Remember that message audio must be fully saved in the days or hours of the Angel you are praying for help; so if it is in his hours, remember that you only have got 20 minuts to save the command. NEXT STEP:

The first session of THPRO using the sigil of the angel you are asking for help, and with the audio message being an invocation of this Angel, should also begin in the days or hours of the Angel; the first session and following sessions can take all the time you wish, but you must execute the proccess the first time, in the days ort hours of the Angels, no matter if after you leave the computer many hours running; the second and following sessions there is no problem in the hoour or day you execute it; althought obviuosly, try to have the program running in the 20 diary minuts of the Angel, because those 20 minuts will be highly effective. TAKE IN MIND: Remember that the Angels will follow the divine rules in every moment and in every situation, so if for example, you are man, and you love a woman called Mary, don't ask the Angels to seduce Mary to love you; they will never do it; instead of that, you can ask to bring the love for you life, and the universe will move to bring you the person that fits the most perfectly possible with you; that person maybe Mary, but maybe not; otherwise, if that person is not Mary, a new person (for example Sophie) will enter in your life, you will fall deeply in love with Sophia, and Sophia will fall deeplhy in love with you, and you will forget Mary. That's the way the Angels work.

-Once you submit your case to an angel, after don't try other methods. So, if you don't follow my suggestions and you ask an Angel to seduce Mary, and you don't get it; after, don't try the same goal using all the ways, no matter if finally evocating goetia entities, or using now THPRO with love configuration, because althought is possible that you finally seduced Mary remotely, it shall mean a lack of respect and unfidelity coming from you for the Angel. So, if you want to seduce Mary, first try the remote proceediments without spiritual aids using THPRO with love configurations, and in the case you can't seduce Mary, then, look for the correct Angel, and ask to bring love in your life. So, if you submit your concrete case to an Angel, this must be your final action about this case. Note: To attract love you'd better ask the help of Angels of the spheres, in concrete the sphere of Netzach; soon avalaible the sigils of these Angels. CONFIGURATION OF THPRO: Desactivate all the advanced options. Text commands must be the first the name of the Angel, and the other 3 must be 3 short words condensing your petition. Colors: the colors must be taken according to the color of the name of the Angel in each Sigil; if for example, the name of the Angel is in green color; the first frame must be dark green color, and the second frame, a light green color. Frequencies: accoriding to the color: Indigo (a violet very dark, nearly black): 3 Blue: 4 Red: 5 Yellow: 6 Green: 7 Orange: 8 Violet: 9

THE ANGELS AND THEIR ABILITIES, DAYS AND HOURS. 1-Vehuiah -To increse highly your will and resolution and get energies to begin and finish all your projects and tasks. -Days: 21 to 25 of March. -Diary time: 0 to 0.20 hours after the sunrise.

2-Yeliel -Gives marital fidelity, stablishes the peace and harmony in a relationship, and gives fecundity to women. -Days: 26 to 30 of March. -Diary time: 0.20 to 0.40 hours after the sunrise. 3-Sitael -Gives protection against weapons and adversity, and helps for a better self knowledge through the study of your enemies. -Days: 31 of March to 4 of April. -Diary time: 0.40 hours to 1 hour after the sunrise. 4-Elemiah -Gives protection in travel, specially to avoid accidents. -Days: 5 to 9 of April -Diary time: 1 to 1.20 hours after the sunrise. 5-Mahasiah -Gives easyness to learn everything, and is the Angel you should invocate for all the exams, tests and all studies in general. Also, improves your physical beauty. -Days: 10 to 15 of April. -Diary time: 1.20 to 1.40 hours after the sunrise.

9-Haziel -This is the Angel you should invocate to get a reconciliation with a person. Also, gives you protection against the hate and cheat. -Days: 1 to 5 of May. -Diary time: 2.40 to 3 hours after the sunrise.

12-Hahaiah -Helps you to interpretate the dreams (your dreams and the dreams of other people), obtaining the meaning and reasons of these dreams. -Days: 17 to 21 of May. -Diary time: 3.40 minuts to 4 Hours after sunrise.

13-Yezalel -To save the fidelity of your partnet (wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend...), and also, when a couple has broken, helps to achieve the reconciliation. -Days: 22 to 26 of May. -Diary time: 4 to 4.20 hours after sunrise.


-Brings the justice in all situations; especially useful to be invocated by innocent people being falsely acused. -Days: 27 to 31 of May -Diary time: 4.20 to 4.40 hours after sunrise.

16-Hakamiah -To get the loyalty and fidelity of the people around you: friends, business partness, etc, and to block and avoid the betrayals. -Days: 7 to 11 of June Diary time: 5 to 5.20 hours after the sunrise.

22-Yeyaiel -To save the own image and fame, and helps the merchants to hold their business. -Days: 8 to 12 of July -Diary time: 7 to 7.20 hours after the sunrise.

23-Melahel -Gives protection against fire weapons and attacks. -Days: 13 to 18 of July -Diary time: 7.20 to 7.40 hours after the sunrise.

24-Hahauiah -Gives protection against thieves, assasins and dangerous animals. -Days: 19 to 23 of July -Diary time: 7.40 to 8 hours after the sunrise.

28-Seheiah -Gives protection against fire, colapses of buildings and edifications, and accidents. Provides longevity. -Days: 8 to 13 of August. -Diary time: 9 to 9.20 hours after the sunrise.

29-Reiyel -Gives spiritual protection against hexes, evil eye, curses, etc. -Days: 14 to 18 of August. -Diary time: 9.20 to 9.40 hours after the sunrise.

35-Khavakiah (Also named Chavakiah) -Stablishes the harmony and peace in a marriage, and also in a family, including the relations between parents and children, and producing in them a better mutual understanding and comprension. -Days: 14 to 18 of September. -Diary time: 11:20 to 11:40 hours after the sunrise.

36-Menadel -Provides help and aid to abandon bad habits and vicious. -Days: 19 to 23 of September. -Diary time: 11:40 to 12 hours after the sunrise.

37-Aniel -To get the victory in areas of you life where you have problems to develope. Provides wisdom too. -Days: 24 to 28 of September. -Diary time: 12 to 12.20 hours after the sunrise.

38-Heamiah -Gives spiritual light and help to find the spiritual path, giving protection to run this path. To receive treasures. -Days: 29 of September to 3 of October. -Diary time: 12.20 to 12.40 hours after the sunrise.

39-Rehael -Stablishes the love in a familiar relationship between parents and children, making that the children follow with obedience the decissions of the parents. Provides longevity with health. -Days: 4 to 8 of October. -Diary time: 12.40 to 13 hours after the sunrise.

40-Yeiazel -To get that your enemies stop attacking you, and provides light in your thoughts. -Days: 9 to 13 of October. -Diary time: 13 to 13.20 hours after the sunrise.

42-Mikael (Do not confuse with the Archangel Michael) -Gives safety and protection in your travels, and provides excellent protocol, diplomacy and speaking skills, enhancing the intuition to detect secrets and possible betrayals in your social relationships. -Days: 19 to 23 of October. -Diary time: 13.40 to 14 hours after the sunrise.

43-Vauliah -Gives prosperity and strength, especially in business, and provides the destruction of the enemies, especially in the area of your life where you want to stablish the prosperity and strength. May be invocated too for the same purposes in other fields of the life like love relationships, etc. -Days: 24 to 28 of October. -Diary time: 14 to 14.20 hours after the sunrise.

44-Yelahiah (also named Ylahiah) -Provides courage. Gives physical protection against attacks, thieves, assasins, etc. -Days: 29 of October to 2 of November. -Diary time: 14.20 to 14.40 hours after the sunrise.

48-Mihael -Stablish the harmony and peace in a marriage or love relationship. Provides marital fidelity in a marriage or relationship. Improves women's fecundity. -Days: 18 to 22 of November. -Diary time: 15.40 to 16 hours after the sunrise.

52-Imamiah -To destroy the power of the enemies. Protection in travels. -Days: 8 to 12 of December. -Diary time: 17 to 17.20 hours after the sunrise.

56-Poyel -This is the Angel you must pray for whatever purpose that is not covered by other Angel. Also provides fortune and fame and improve the oral expression skill, especially for people with difficulties to speak and express their ideas. Days: 28 to 31 of December. Diary time: 18.20 to 18.40 hours after the sunrise.

57-Nemamiah -Gives prosperity in all the asunts (business, love, etc) and objectives; gives high courage and resistance, physical and mental. -Days: 1 to 5 of January. -Diary time: 18.40 to 19 hours after the sunrise.

58-Yeialel -Improves logical mind and can be invocated for healing illnesses too. Also, this is the angel to invocate to clean and heal a person with "evil eye". -Days: 6 to 10 of January. -Diary time: 19 to 19.20 hours after the sunrise.

62- Yah-Hel -Gives mutual understanding within a love relationship or marriage, especially useful to avoid the divorce. Also, gives quietness. -Days: 26 to 30 of January. -Diary time: 20.20 to 20.40 hours after the sunrise.

Notes: the sigils produce transparencies during the use of the program; that is normal and won't affect the effectiveness. Because of the angelic type of the Genious, the sigils have been created with the qabalistic method of the rose-cross rather than using the magickal square method. Some purposes can be done by two or more Angels; in these cases, you will probably have better contact and understanding with one of these Angels, and that is the Angel you should contact. 2002; all rights reserved.

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